hi guys
today i am going out for the first with my best friend, she is amazing and we talk literally everyday, but i am afraid to run out of things to say today
i am very anxious and idk what to do
obs: i am brazilian, so sorry for any error in the english

  1. hii the only advice I can give you is to just go for it! if this person is your best friend they won’t mind being in silence with you from time to time. Not having anything to talk about is a very normal and human thing just try and have fun!

  2. That is a completely normal thing. When I talk to my best friend everyday as opposed to every other day, I run out of things to talk to him about and our conversations end up being shorter.

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this. Because there’s nothing wrong with not talking. You don’t somehow stop being friends with someone because you’re not talking. There isn’t anyone you’re trying to prove that you’re having a lot of fun with.

    I can only talk to my friend by phone as we live three states away, and we may have 10-15 minutes of silence on the phone, we may very well not talk, but we still want to be with each other in that moment. He’ll be playing a video game and he’ll tell me eventually what happened in the game, I may be typing something up.

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