This is gonna be a little something I’m getting off my chest, but ultimately I’m looking for advice on what to say.

I have a roommate who is extremely loud and social and extroverted… except around me. When we’re in social situations, he laughs with other people and has a great time but doesn’t get a response from me when I’m in the conversation. Sometimes he can often be quite mean to me.

I feel bad about myself that he totally doesn’t wanna be around me. I’m in a completely different place than my hometown, so there’s not much I can do.

Whenever I drive both of us to and from work, I try my best to make conversation, but he’s on his phone, and that upsets me because I know I’m the only one he does this to. I try to bring up things to talk about, funny things too. I just want a conversation going. But if I do that, I end up being that annoying person who should just shut up.

What should I talk about?

1 comment
  1. Man that is hard. I’ve been there. We have to teach ourselves to accept that we just might not mesh well with everyone. I think the best thing you can do is continue to just be nice, but try not to worry so much about making him like you. Focus on coexisting and wait for something to maybe bridge the gap between you two organically. Maybe if you notice a game you both play, even a food you both like, just offer to involve him. If all else fails, you can make new friends and just try to be civil with your roommate because you won’t live with him forever probably.

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