Enjoy. Mind your manners

EDIT: Ok should be good to go

  1. Missed opportunity to start with a dad joke.

    Welcome to the ool. You’ll notice there’s no P in it, let’s keep it that way

  2. My favorite part of this whole ordeal is how the jannies did their farewell tour, kept the sub shut down, and then continued using Reddit 😂😂😂

  3. I’ve been checking the mod list and the new mods, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t make the cut haha.

    I’m only a lurker, an infrequent lurker at that.

  4. I missed it so much… one of the only safe places I have. Glad to see u guys!

  5. Amazing how quickly and easily a new mod team was established. I’m sure I’ll be equally amazed at how little trouble they have fulfilling their duties.

  6. Yay, I can go back to spending hours pretending I’m a more well put together man than I actually am.

    Who wants unsolicited advice from an armchair expert?

  7. Finally skimmed all the turds out and waited the appropriate time after a chlorine shock treatment?

  8. Pool’s still closed – I tried to post and got an automod message. 🤣

  9. Finally! I’ve been going absolutely insane without my daily dose of emotionally wounded 19-year-olds giving the worst possible takes on life and love. Let’s get this toxic train back on the fucking rails!

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