So I’ve been texting with this guy for a month. Went on great dates. Felt the connection, kissed, and cuddled. The past week he has been very inconsistent and texting have been slowing down a lot. We haven’t met in 2 weeks because the last 2 weekends he was away. This week he started coming back at me. Apologizing for being distant and asked if i want to get together this weekend.

I know I’ve post a thread before and people were telling me that he’s just putting me on the back burner and breadcrumbing me. I’m actually tempted to go and give him a chance (possibly ask what his intentions/whats his looking for too). But at the same time feel like i should have some self respect, move on and tell myself that he’s just wasting my time. What do you think I should do? And how do I reject him (this time and for the future so he knows I’m done)?

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