Assuming parents wanted an older age before you started dating and they discovered you had someone by accident

  1. My parents didn’t want me dating until 16 but are happy thst I dated the guy I did at 13 as me and him are now married so I would say it was a good match lol

  2. My parents were never like that. My sister dated her first boyfriend when she was 12-13 and had other three boyfriends in her teens (with the last one she’s still in a relationship).
    I started dating only when I was 17, when I met my boyfriend, but I didn’t tell my parents because of other issues not because they didn’t want me to date at that age.
    They did suspect something but they finally found out a few weeks ago when I finally presented my boyfriend to them.

  3. Quite the opposite for me. I had no interest in dating and didn’t date until after college, met my first boyfriend at 22 & met my husband at 24. My sisters dated much earlier then me and I think my parents started to fear that I’d never make it a priority. My sisters even let me know once that it was ok if I was gay because they just didn’t understand that I simply didn’t care to date anyone yet.

  4. My parents never really set an age limit for dating, but I didn’t have my first boyfriend until I was 18 and in college. They found out when I told them and never really had an issue with it.

  5. I didn’t date at all until I was 18 and it was my now husband. My parents were upset because they were the ultra religious type and didn’t want me to ever date. They were nuts.

  6. My daughter turned 12 the other day. And I was shocked when I remembered that I had my first date at that age. It was a double date where a friend and I met our boyfriends at the movie theater. As far as my parents were concerned my first date was a dance I went to when I was a Freshman in High school, and they didn’t want to let me go.

    In my case I was the second daughter, and they were actually more strict with me, because my older sister was a bit of a wild child.

  7. Started dating at 22-23 and they didn’t care either way. Before that, living their home as a kid, the entire family had a very open and honest relationship. We all told our parents when we had crushes, wanted to date, wanted to have sex, and they coached us on how to protect our hearts, bodies, and spirits. Now that we are adults, it seems that method worked out great. We all enjoyed dating through our teens and beyond, had mostly positive relationships even if they didn’t last and we are still open with our parents about our long term relationships, marriages, and families. Its a great way to go

  8. I didn’t date till 18. When I told them they probably were ok with my age to start but they were still kind of angry/uncomfortable. Their only rule was no dating till after high school.

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