It seems these days ghosting has become a real thing, you can chat to them, go on dates things go smoothly then bam. Nothing.. nothing at all!

If anyone on here has ever actually ghosted someone can they explain why?!
I don’t get it? Communication isn’t hard!
Loyalty and morals seem non existent these days!

  1. I’ve only ever ghosted one person in my life and that was because I thought the man I was talking to was dangerous. He had a drinking problem, mental health issues and stated that if we drank when we hung out he “probably wouldn’t hit me but I (he) can’t make any promises”

    I went full ghost after that conversation and never looked back. I truly don’t understand ghosting in normal circumstances. If you don’t like someone, say that. If you didn’t feel a connection, say that. If you hit it off better with someone else, say that. It’s really not that hard.

  2. Interested in the answer to this also! I would never ghost someone and I don’t care how arkward I felt about him saying why I wouldn’t want to talk to someone anymore I just would never ghost

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