No matter how old or young you are, I wanna know what you miss the most.

Cadbury snaps for me, and I’ll never forgive them for discontinuing.

  1. Aldi make a their own snaps if you didn’t know.

    Cadbury marble for me. The Aussie one you get in B&M isn’t the same. The chocolate to praline ratio isn’t right.

  2. Echo Bars, Polo Fruits, Tooty Fruities.

    Tooty Fruities were a potent weapon at school. Pinged one off Ben Fern’s head from all the way across the break room once. Sorry, Ben

    Also not quite answering the question but I miss the way fruit gums used to taste. There was a time period where they still came in the tube format like they do now but they each had a little shape of the fruit they were supposed to taste like on the top. Can’t find any pics of them online though. But they tasted different and were much better then.

  3. Drink – Irn Bru. And don’t tell me it still exists, because it doesn’t exist in a palatable form. And don’t tell me about 1901, because it’s not the same.

    Sweet – Milkybar Choo

  4. Fruit Allsorts – they were around in the mid 2000s for only a few, but glorious, years.

  5. I can never remember what they were called and I’m still not convinced they weren’t just a fever dream of mine but I swear my dad used to buy me bottles of like fizzy drinks with little balls of indeterminate origin in them. They were amazing and then they vanished. Presumably got made illegal because someone figured out those little gluey balls floating in it were made of like xenon mixed with asbestos. I’m sure they had some space-y name like Orbit or something.

    I miss when those cinnamon covered cereals really went fucking hard on the cinnamon-sugar coating, they used to be as addictive as heroin but somehow less healthy. They scaled it back in recent years, they used to just pour cinnamon into each box until it was brimming before shipping them out.

    Also, at the risk of sounding like Peter Kay, what happened to the Cadburys Dream bar?

  6. Sainsbury’s white chocolate and raspberry cookies. No contest. They were my favourite supermarket treat by far.

  7. Marks & Spencer used to do a chocolate bar that was white, milk & dark that was my favourite that they discontinued, then they had a mint mousse type chocolate bar..which they discontinued. Basically if you like M & S chocolate, don’t encourage me to like what you like, or they’ll discontinue it.

  8. Drink – Panda Pop loved that stuff back when I was a kid 22 now. The stuff was discontinued in 2011.

  9. Spira chocolate bar. Walkers BBQ crisps.

    Also for some reason, Clear Coke and Crystal Pepsi. Briefly a thing in the mid-1990s, then vanished.

  10. Not discontinued: Dr. Pepper before the introduction of the sugar tax.

    Discontinued: McDonalds Root Beer (no ice).

  11. BRazilian Darkness in the Cadburys Roses – I loved the flavour of the dark chocolate and the nut flavoured toffee

  12. Aldi used to do these star shaped biscuits which were perfection. Got me hooked and then took them away forever.

    Then they did boozy calippo type things. Again, got me well and truly hooked and then they disappeared them.

  13. Mars Delights. I miss them very much! It’s criminal that they were discontinued.

  14. Mingles, they were my favourite box of chocolates to receive.

    Also, not currently discontinued but Tango Apple. They’ve discontinued it twice now (but brought it back) and every time it’s heart breaking for me. If they do it again I’ll be gutted. I’m probably single handedly keeping the market for it, the amount I buy and stockpile.

  15. Walkers Spring Onion crisp, I still don’t get why they stopped. The best flavour ever, especially in a cheese sandwich

  16. Beef and onion walkers crisps – beautiful and sorely missed. I’m sure there’s probably a decent alternative out there somewhere, just not found it as yet. Ah well, as long as Salt and Vinegar isn’t messed with I can live with it….

    Coca-cola Vanilla – technically not discontinued and the zero stuff is nice but not the same, now I have to resort to paying through the nose to get the full fat version as it’s imported from the US. Worth it though.

    Tooty Frooties – why these were discontinued I will never know. Criminal.

    Echo bars – same as above. 10/10 chocolate bar.

    Virgin cola – going back some years now, it was sweeter than Coca-cola but seemingly less sweet than Pepsi. Just a nice middle ground.

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