Let’s say a man has been DMing you on instagram, commenting on your posts, replying to your stories, etc and has been respectful the entire time… do you think it is possible that you would eventually become attracted to the man? Or does being attracted to someone you weren/t initially attracted to only end up happening in person when you can feel out their vibe, energy, etc?

  1. I don’t get attracted to people I have never interacted with in real life anyways.

  2. There are some attraction triggers that you can only experience in person.

    Women can become suddenly much more attracted to men if they see the men doing some of the following in person:

    * Lead other men
    * Are seen as attractive by attractive women, i.e. they are preselected
    * Display in person charisma with eye contact and smiling and other things
    * Are seen risk taking

    So It is possible you could become attracted when you weren’t previously. Happens all the time

  3. Can it. Yes. I’ve dated people I was not attracted to at first but their personality won me over and that changed my mind. But also don’t force it or feel like you have to. Just interact normally.

  4. It has happened to me upon seeing someone in person. But online? Never. Just looks like a desperate fan.

  5. No, solely online interaction wouldn’t make me attracted to a man I was not attracted to initially. This sort of behavior would likely lead me to remove him from my Instagram.

  6. I actually have more than one. Some I know in person and others I don’t. I have no interest in any of them and I don’t interact with them so they don’t get an idea that they might have a chance. I would hate to lead anyone on.

  7. >DMing you on instagram, commenting on your posts, replying to your stories, etc and has been respectful the entire time…

    So…you never actually say that this person has been responding back to you or that this is an actual conversation.

    >Or does being attracted to someone you weren/t initially attracted to only end up happening in person when you can feel out their vibe, energy, etc?

    I think you’re skipping a step where they actually agree to meet up in person.

    Best case scenario, this is just a variation on online dating where you earn a date with a great online conversation. However, if they’re not showing any interest in you online, no, “randomly” meeting them in person isn’t going to change anything.

  8. it’s different for everyone. i can not find someone attractive at first but when i get to know them in person and their personality i can develop an attraction to them

  9. Nope, never happening. A ton of guys do this to me and it’s very obvious that they want my attention because they decided that they want to date me. It’s a nuisance and I usually end up blocking them if they get too annoying.

    OP, if that is your dating strategy, just stop.

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