What age does owning a home become a necessity instead of a plus in terms of relationships?

  1. In this economy owning a home is not something everyone is able to have at any age.

  2. I don’t think this is a fair question. In my home state of California, I’ll never become a “homeowner”.

  3. I don’t require that at all and when I was younger and building my career it might have been a negative because I wanted to move around and live in different cities as my career dictated.

  4. Never, imo. There are many reasons why someone might not want to/choose to own a home. It’s not a requirement to own your own place.

  5. In this day and age, I wouldn’t put that as a qualifier. Plus I rent, why would I expect that of my partner but not myself. If the relationship last we could build up to getting one together.

  6. It was really important to my husband and I because we saw it as a way to break the rent cycle we found ourselves in. We set our standards to a manageable level and looked constantly until we found the right house. It was important to us to own our home before we had children. But, it’s different for everyone and every situation. As long as your priorities are lined up.

  7. Never if you aren’t interested in home ownership. It’s a huge responsibility with a lot of maintenance work and costs and not everyone enjoys that sort of thing.

  8. Never. Renting forever is totally normal where I’m from. Personally I do also not want to own property.

  9. I live in the NYC tristate area, I live in an apartment and I assume I always will. Owning a home isn’t on my list of things that I find necessary for myself or anyone else.

  10. Never. In this market, I’d be shook to find someone my age who single-handedly bought and owns a whole-ass house without a spouse’s second income.

  11. I personally don’t think owning a home is necessary *as a dating/relationship requirement*.

    But I’d say it’s probably fair to expect that a person in their mid-late 30s has the ability to be able to have/own one. And even then, I’d say a women that expects that of a partner should only have such expectations if she herself is also has or is capable of owning a home.

  12. I personally ***don’t*** think owning a home is necessary *as a dating/relationship requirement*.

    But I’d say it’s probably fair to expect that a person in their mid-late 30s has the ability to have/own one. And even then, **I’d say a women that expects that of a partner should only have such expectations if she herself also has or is capable of owning a home.**

  13. I don’t think owning a home is necessary at any age. It’s expensive and a lot of people can’t afford it. My parents are/were in their 70s (RIP mom) and they’ve never ever owned a home.

  14. It’s almost impossible to do that here, unless you’re a millionaire. Everyone rents.

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