I am 32 years old and I haven’t been dating since beggining of covid (march 2020). I have stressful job (financal director) and I just can’t find energy for dating apps and talking to people, going on dates.

Where do you find willpower and energy for dating stuff?

  1. Learn to manage ur stress first. I have this incredible ablity to go in auto pilot when dealing with stressful situations. Watch the movie ‘happy gilmore’.

    As for dating its u dont take it seriously and think of it as a game or fishing. Put out a bunch of poles, Wait, caught a bunch, throw back the ones u dont like and Come up with a methodical practice to get dates.

  2. Because i work to live…you sound like you live to work. That’s not the way to live a life

  3. I don’t, I have no incentive to try and date. When I come home from the circus that is my office environment the only thing I want is to come home to a big, empty and silent house.

  4. I’ve been single for 10 years, my job isn’t that stressful and I still don’t care about dating.

  5. You just get up and do it.

    It’s better to be out and about having fun than sitting around doing bother.

    But to each their own. If you are happier at home. Then you will stick staying at home.

  6. Dating right now is a total shit show, you are not missing anything. Your time and energies would be better spent focusing on yourself, hobbies that make you happy, and family.

  7. If your job takes up all your energy so that you don’t have time for dating then you won’t have time for a relationship either. Get a less stressful job even if it’s a pay cut. Make plans to do fun stuff and then keep those plans. Period. If you want to have a romantic life then your evenings and weekends are not for sale.

  8. I didn’t have a stressful job when I was dating and before I got married. My job is stressful now, and yeah, I see what you mean. I don’t want to do anything as my head is always full or work thoughts.

  9. Why bother? Dating and relationships are work. If you are drained from regular work then that is your relationship. Nobody deserves relationship scraps and wants to compete with a high demanding job that can put a person in a mood, lead to arguments, etc.

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