So, I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years now and she is bisexual, but she’s never really explored it too much because her parents wouldn’t really approve. Over the past month or so, she was on tinder looking for a girlfriend (with my approval) and she finally found one and started talking to her.

They talked for a month before we eventually linked up. Leading up to this, we always talked about it and she always mentioned how I couldn’t do anything with the other girl, and that’s fine, i understood and was only along for the ride.

The day came and the girl came over and we hung out for a bit and watched a movie and then things started getting heavy. The girl asked my gf if she could kiss me and my gf said yes. Things moved to the bedroom my gf started having sex and then she asked the other girl if she wanted to ride me, so she did. Things got over and she spent the night and things were looking good.

She came over multiple nights, but we only did sexual stuff with two more times. We even hung out outside of our home and even went to the local carnival with some of my gf’s family. We only told others the girl was just a friend. One of my gf’s cousin who my gf considers a best friend knew the truth, but she was fine with it. Well, after that night, the cousin accidentally spilled the beans to my gf’s parents and they gave her so much shit for it the next day.

My gf was already on the fence about this situation, but now she’s called it quits with the girl saying she’s not comfortable with it, but also that she doesn’t like the girl like that. But just days before, my gf was telling her she missed her when she didn’t spend the night that night. I’ve known my gf for a long time to know she is usually on the fence about a lot of things and tends to flip flop on what she wants. I can’t tell if she genuinely doesn’t like the girl or if she’s just ending it because her parents know now.

The other problem is, we were intimate with this girl and it’s hard for this to be over. I love my gf with all of my heart and would NEVER do anything with this other girl without my gf, but it’s just to be intimate with someone and have it be over.

My gf also isn’t sure if she even wants to continue exploring her bisexuality and I don’t know how to tell her that I want to be able to have threesomes in the future, not because I want to have sex with another girl, but because I genuinely enjoyed having that moment with my gf and I thought it was a good way to spice up our sex life.

  1. You can’t force your girlfriend to do something she’s not comfortable with just because you like it now. Stop questioning your girlfriend’s mind. If she says she’s uncomfortable and doesn’t want to do it anymore, *believe her*. You can ask her behind closed doors if that’s what she REALLY wants and if she says yes, drop it (if you want to keep the relationship).

    If you cannot live without another threesome, then break up with her and find someone else to have threesomes with.

  2. I’m guessing she’s still into it but afraid of what others (her parents) will think. Frankly she’s a big girl and should do what she wants regardless of others’ opinions.

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