I can’t believe that’s true. 25 was yesterday. I swear it was just yesterday.

  1. I feel you. I am 23. I feel like I was 15 just before yesterday…I think we keep living in the past and not present..This sub is helping me give some perspective. I personally have huge regrets for past few years of my life…and keep thinking if I could go back in time..

  2. I’m 46. I was carded buying alcohol, and realized I’m closer to 70 than I am to 21.

  3. I get that feeling too. How the *hell* have I managed to live this long?

  4. 43 here and I feel no older then 25 lol expect the day after I pretend to still be 25 lol

  5. Feel the same way, 51, remember hitting 25 like it was yesterday. Time moves so fast.

  6. I’m about 40 and I still feel like 18 was last week. It’s like I blinked and 1/4 of my life vanished

  7. Statistically we’ve crossed the tipping point too – we’re closer to death than we are to birth.

  8. Turned 40 this past weekend.

    While 20 year olds seem way too young to hang out with, 60 year olds *definitely* seem much further away, even though they’re the same.

  9. Oh crap. That’s why people on campus keep thinking I’m a professor. When I’m wandering around looking for my class I certainly don’t FEEL this old!

  10. Got a pet theory that our self conception and our “world perception” at like, 25-30 is what persists in life, despite the fact we’re not that person anymore and the world is not that world anymore.

  11. Meh, health-wise you are still closer to 25 I’d say. Health starts decaying after 40, but more exponentially after 60.

  12. I’m 47 and feel 25, maybe 30. And sometimes it takes me to the guts. I’m old. I’ll soon be a 60+. Shit, that was too fast.

  13. I’m in my early 40s, and could very easily be a grandpa (thankfully not so far).

  14. I’m 63 and this all sounds like whine to me.Guard your health young man.Its the best thing you’ve got.

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