My ex (22F) and I (22M) had a very toxic and messy break up. The main issue was lack of communication and insecurity. She broke up with me and said she might even need up to a year alone. We broke up mid may, but it took us another month to go completely no contact after trying to be FWB and see each other once in a while. It’s been almost 2 weeks since we went no contact, and about 2 days after, my ex followed me back on instagram. About 3 days later, she started liking my content every day. She’s liked all of my posts and stories, except ones that include my friends and family. I noticed a few times it appears as though she’ll log on just to look at my content, then she’ll log off immediately after.

What could this mean. She gave a lot of mixed signals when we broke up. She said she didn’t know what she was doing, but she wanted to heal so she could come back to me as soon as possible. But she also seemed unsure if we could ever be together. I’m not sure what to make of this. It’s weirder because while we were together, she never liked my content.

TLDR: Ex (22F) broke up with me (22M)and is now stalking my social media. Why?

1 comment
  1. The fact that this concerns you is a problem. It means you still want to get back with her even though you said your relationship with her was toxic and messy. If you really done with her then the meaning behind her actions doesn’t really matter anymore. If you can’t let it off your mind then maybe you need to block her because you can’t control your urges to relapse into something toxic. If you really trying to move in a better direction then you need to not be caught up in the toxic connection anymore. But if you don’t really care about yourself and health then there is no useful advice for you other than to play devil’s advocate for you to continue to hit rock bottom.

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