Hi, I’m 28 turning 30 years old next year. It’s becoming more and more difficult for me to find likeminded people. People in their 30s seem to just want to be with their families, especially those that are introverted. I live in a small town which makes it even harder because my criteria for a friend is a little picky because I tend to very easily not enjoy company when there’s no depth of communication. Small talk doesn’t work, though I understand I should be less picky if I really need to socialize.

  1. Get out of that small town and move to a city or close to one where you can meet more people.

  2. Introvert… meet people!! socialize!!!. We don’t do those things.

    Nonetheless…try picking up a hobby and meet people that way

  3. I do my own things I enjoy, put myself out there, and say “yes” to the opportunities I get. I accept i’m introverted and feel lucky for the social opportunities that present themselves to me.

  4. Join a Meetup like boardgames or something you’re expected to join in blindly. And/or wait for an extrovert to adopt you.

  5. No idea! It even seems that my interests are too odd to find like minded people and about ‘normal’ things (sports, things on TV or socials or whatever) I have nothing to say. Just waiting to run into someone I guess. It takes long though, I’m 47 by now…

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