How often do you buy new clothes?

  1. every few months. i just buy a ton that i like
    till i feel like shopping for more again. i have so many clothes yet if i’m invited to an event with a certain dress code i never have the attire for it 😂 so then i need to shop again..

  2. When I need them, which in practice ends up being either when something has worn out and I need to replace it, or when an occasion arises that I don’t already have anything suitable and appropriate for. I don’t really take any interest in keeping up with what’s on trend just for its own sake.

  3. Not very. Clothes, especially bras and pants, are so damn expensive. I’ve got a rotation of about 5 pairs of work pants that fit somewhat comfortably, and I’ll keep wearing them until they become a fire hazard (I work with hot metal frequently). Shirts are easier, because I can get them at Walmart or 5below.

    Why do pants and bras cost so much???

  4. I’ve only bought secondhand during this year. I’d say I buy something new around once or twice a month.

  5. 2-4 times a year. I usually get a few new pieces when the season changes and I sort through my old clothes to see what still fits, what still suits my style and so on. On top of that I like to go second hand shopping once in a while just to see if I can find anything worthwhile.

  6. A couple times a year, usually to replace underwear or socks or other things that have become unwearable, but sometimes to just get something nice.

  7. When I need them. I’ve had to travel for work for the first time since 2020 so I basically got a new wardrobe last month.

  8. When I was younger I’d do a “big” shopping spree at least once a year since my mom used to give me and my sister $100 each just for that. Now that I’m an adult and I have to pay for it myself, I can only afford a couple of pieces at a time, so I shop a lot more often, but in much smaller quantities. Like one shirt today, next time I go to the stores probably get myself a pair of shoes. So on and so forth.

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