I’m not a weeb, i just think they are cute most of the time, and I never really actually met a Japanese person, considering I am not from there, but it would be nice, I think. Open to criticisms

  1. Let’s break this down. You’ve never met a Japanese person, yet you find them cute. Are Japanese people the only people you find cute? I’m assuming probably not. I’m also assuming if you had to choose between a cute non-Japanese person and a Japanese person, you would gravitate towards the the Japanese person.

    This is where you’d ask yourself why. Hopefully you’re able to recognize that there’s more to this than them “being cute”. I’m getting at the fact that you’re basically fetishizing, and that is rooted in racism. You’re associating stereotyping/discriminatory traits with a group of people you know very little about.

    You’re not alone, BTW. I think almost everyone has some form of racism in their own head because society by itself fosters certain stereotyping and racism.

    But the steps to fix this require you to break down what you like about a group that you’ve never met, recognize the traits you like are rooted in misinformation, discrimition, and a lack of knowledge on your end. The fact that you even made this post to me indicates that you know something’s amiss. Which is a **good** thing. I hope you’re able to deprogram yourself into a better place.

  2. Go to Japan for a vacation first. Meet locals and find out of you really like them.

    You do sound like a creepy weeb though.

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