So, I (17F) was asked out by a really cute guy (M19) who I’d met beforehand at some family events.

To keep a long story short, we had an absolutely wonderful time and he was incredibly funny, he kept making me blush and I usually don’t get like that. I told him I’m training in the culinary industry, and he got excited and wanted to play the ‘Blindfolded taste test game’. So later that night, we went back to his house and abit after that got set up to play. (If you don’t know what the taste test game is, you just try different things while blind-folded). So he blindfolds me and grabs some stuff.


So it all goes just like it does on those crappy YouTube videos, but it was honestly a lot of fun.

My problem began when he squirted something on me, because up until that point he just put some on a spoon and then I’d try it. This last time however, he asked me to open my mouth and stick my tongue out. There was an awkward pause for awhile, then he squirted/ poured some liquid onto me. Some got in my mouth, but a lot did not, which obviously was the whole point of me awkwardly pretending to be at the bloody dentist. So that meant that it got in my hair, down my shirt and across my face. I honestly have no idea how you can mess something up so badly, and how a bottle can be that difficult to manage. Bare in mind, I’d spent a really long time trying to look nice and specifically wore my best outfit and now it had several streaks down it.

I honestly wouldn’t have been that mad if he hadn’t done it more than once. What I mean by this is, that there were 3-4 distinct “lines” as if he squeezed the bottle multiple times, with quite some force. I even used that against him because it proves he was just doing it to be a jerk, though he insisted that it wasn’t his intention. So I started to berate him abit. He did apologize afterwards and said it got out of control, and that he “should have aimed better”. He helped me clean up, he offered to buy me new clothes (I said no) and was generally very apologetic.


He still wants to go on another date, but I just think its such an inconsiderate and stupid thing to do that I’m not really interested.

I just want to know whether or not people think I’m justified, or am I just finding an excuse to ruin a good thing? Because I do tend to self-sabotage and can be a little naïve (or so I’m told ahaha).

  1. Idk how to word this but uh

    If I had to guess it was intentional because he wanted to live out a fantasy.

    Either way, you should talk to him about it instead of dumping him for it, unless you want out and you’re looking for an excuse.

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