Very important context: I’m an Indian in India.

I live on a college campus (have been for a year), have a small group of friends and I am generally talkative a probably extroverted. However, there are some people I sort of wanted to talk to/meet.

Thing is, usually people form groups and it’s rather intimidating to just randomly introduce yourself to a group. Even after 1 year there are many people I don’t know but want to talk to: boys and girls.

For boys: it’s a bit easier to talk to them as a boy myself, but how do I approach a dude sitting by himself, for example and talk? What to do I say to break the ice or how and where do I even approach him?

For a group: how do I introduce/join a group who are already engaging in a conversation, without interrupting them or something?

Girl: There are some girls I’d like to talk to (not romantically interested) and 1 who I sort of like-like. How do I approach them normally, as girls may be uncomfortable with a random person approaching them trying to talk.

Basically it feels weird to walk up to someone, extend your hand and introduce yourself. That would make me look like I am speaking to them for a specific reason or I am trying to sell them something lol


1 comment
  1. If you’re out in public nearby, the best way is to “drop a comment.” The most basic and obvious comment is best. “Sure is NICE weather today!” or “I can’t believe how HOT it is!” Say it loud enough to be easily heard, but not so much that it seems directed at the person. If they want to talk they’ll pick up on the comment and respond. If they seem friendly then you can ask what brings them here or whatever. If they don’t respond then they probably don’t want to engage.

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