I think being able to last long enough to pleasure the partner is a must if you want a long relationship.

Im trying different approach to last longer and have some question about it.

If i try to think about other stuff, so jerking off or penetrating, feels nothing. Just like you know take off ur pants and give just 5 hits, obviosuly that was nothing. I reached a point with this way that i can jerk off infinitely to any porn but it doesnt give me pleasure at all, its like if i was moving my arm or walking.

this way seems wrong, because it’s not enjoyable and the moment you try to enjoy, bam, it’s already finished.

So for whom last really long or enough long to be able to pleasure their partners, you try to think about other things, so when you are having sex, you feel almost nothing or you are able to desire sex, wants to cum, so you feel a great feeling down there, but your body just cant cum yet if not stimulated for a long time?

  1. I really try to not think of anything else when fucking my partner (not always possible but I do my best). You can keep your stimulation below the point of orgasmic inevitability while staying in the moment, it just takes practice

  2. Practice masturbating while relaxing different parts of you PC muscle. You can learn to enjoy the pleasure without building tension. Try jerking off with out porn. Close your eyes, clear your mind, and just feel the pleasure from touching yourself.

  3. I think and focus on the stimulation and feeling and sensations as hard as possible until I feel like my whole body is inside my wife. Once I’m in that zone or “flow state” I get lost in it and she does too and it’s transcendental. I never think about anything else but the sex my wife our union and the feelings.

  4. I’m not doing it to not enjoy it. Just breathe man. Release tension. Don’t hold it in. Don’t lock legs, don’t crunch abs, don’t clench chest. You know how people say drop your shoulders when you’re tense. Same idea. Identify areas where you tense up during arousal and try to relax them enough to let you keep going but without the bottleneck. Like, relax… and slow down.

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