Last night I was making out with a guy on my sofa and we started dry humping while kissing. When I was on his lap or when he was humping against him, I wasn’t feelling him hard or anything, although he was acting as if he was horny and saying that I was a great kisser. Nearly at the end of the session, things got a little rougher and I was riding him very fast on his lap and he moaned a little and I felt that he squeezed his dick or thighs against me. I wasn’t sure if he cummed or not, then I stopped and looked at him. He said something like “Wow, I need to take a break after this”. But he didn’t go to the bathroom after and we cuddled for 40 minutes. Do you think he cummed or not? I’m really not sure if he was faking it to make me feel better or if he was serious. Is it normal to not feel him hard? He was hearing jeans and I was wearing leggings.

  1. No. He probably stopped to avoid ejaculating. If he did, there’s no way he’d avoid going to bathroom or you would have seen something.

    If his dicks was against you, maybe you would have even felt him ejaculate.

  2. Faking what? Did he tell you he came? It was probably exactly what he said. He needed to take a break. Especially if there were no plans to have sex, he may not want to dry hump forever or cum in his pants.

  3. What ages are we talking about?

    I would just send a text and ask him whether he enjoyed it or not. Thats the main goal, as both parties do not have to orgasm every time.

  4. >Do you think he cummed or not?

    Why didn’t you ask him then?

    >Is it normal to not feel him hard? He was hearing jeans and I was wearing leggings.

    Yeah there is a possibility that it couldn’t be felt through a jean. And regarding the fact he didn’t go to the bathroom for 40 mins, if he has cummed in his innerwear then there’s no need to rush to the bathroom for an immediate clean up and the same applies to naked cumming too. Some of us just like to rest a bit and relax after a release.

  5. My long-now-ex gf and I were dry bumping when we were new and she said at one point it “actually felt like we were having sex!” I didn’t have the heart to tell her that she was likely likely fucking the hard-part of the fly of my denim jeans. Lol. Every guy knows how that material is rougher there lol

  6. Dry humping? Must be a new age thing…
    If a guy could get off on grinding against a hot lady, he would probably also do so walking past one.
    He probably got bored…
    Sorry to disappoint 👍

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