I’ve been told its wrong but its no like I’m cheating or anything by watching porn. Do you still watch porn when in a relationship?

  1. I guess it depends on the porn format.
    Recorded stuff fine, live stuff would make me uncomfortable.

  2. I may get downvoted for this but in my opinion if you’re getting off to another woman’s body, any woman with respect for herself that wants a monogamous relationship wouldn’t be cool with that. It’s cheating to have a sexual experience with other people in person or virtually. Not to mention how harmful and damaging porn is, there’s actual studies done on this, it damages relationships, it contributes to a system of violence and misogyny towards women, over 80% of porn involves the direct physical violence towards children girls and women and the women portrayed appeared “pleased” by that violence, this has created a false idea of what sex is, and what women enjoy, there was another scientific study that proved men that watch porn actually saw women as physical objects, and that part of their brain lit up. I wouldn’t want that type of person as a partner personally.

  3. I dont watch it period. There’s no porn showing what would turn me on.

    I have a very high drive. I’ve not dated a man who can keep up.

    I dont have a problem with someone I date watching porn….but if I want sex and he wants porn instead that’s gonna be an incompatibility

  4. Yes its fine. Its only a problem if you are addicted, addictive or it interferes with sex with your partner.

  5. Yes I do. Both in private and together with my partner.

    We’re not insecure to think that porn is considered as cheating. She even watches porn sometimes when we’re having sex, and it turns me on so much.

  6. It’s fine to have any boundary. You can have any standard and say “I don’t want to participate in a non-monogamous activity, like watching porn” just like when some people have their own standards and say “I don’t want to participate in a non-monogamous activity, like letting my wife not wear burka and other men seeing her”.

    Good luck finding a partner who shares the same values as you.

  7. I never watch porn as it is a unrealistic way of what sex actually is.

    For me sex is making love

  8. I still did when I was in relationships. Just no where near as much as when I’m single and also never chose porn over shared intimacy with my partner. It’s not cheating, I think the only space where you could at a stretch say porn in cheating would be the only fans type stuff where you’re interacting with and building a relationship of sorts with the model. But to claim normal porn is cheating is a big sign of insecurity in the one claiming it is IMO.

  9. Yes – we’re even sometimes watching it together.

    As long as watching porn and masturbating isn’t “more important” then intimacy and making love with your partner I wouldn’t call it wrong.

  10. Yes I see nothing wrong. I prefer my partner masturbate to porn than to have sex with another person.Porn to me is just fantasy.

  11. oh yeah.

    if I didn’t watch porn, I’d be bothering my girl like… every day for sex. she doesn’t want to have sex every day.

    porn is an outlet, even while in a great relationship. even while having my preferred amount of sex!

  12. This was something that i had to learn the hard asf way. My now ex fiancee never talked about watching porn until 4 months into our relationship and it just slapped me across the face because you know if we’re together i want to know and be able to set the boundary if I’m comfortable with it or not or if I’m ok with it and maybe want to watch it together so we can have a better sex life because you’re open with what you want your fantasies etc. I reacted poorly because I wasn’t given the chance for any of that or the talks to happen regarding how the other feels before and it was just a bomb dropped of “I watch porn so deal with it” It lowered my self confidence A LOT because I didn’t know that he was looking at girls that were like me and he told me in the end that he only watched them from the waist down because they looked exactly like me when in missionary. In the end of the relationship I told him “If you had told me in the beginning of the relationship that it was a thing instead of four months in I might have had a different reaction and it would’ve given us the chance to truly talk about our fantasies of what we find hot during sex or what we want to happen or to just enhance the experience” What I’m trying to say is to one person it’s cheating to another it’s hot and everyone has their own feelings towards it, just be open and honest about what it is you want and if you seen something in porn and you want to try it with your partner be open and honest about it and see if they’re comfortable with it. Also Reddit has the best porn because its actually realistic thats where my ex fiancee always went to watch his.

  13. It’s more about the porn content rather than porn itself and how comfortable the other partner feels about it.

  14. I never saw porn *until* I was married. My husband and I have used it to learn new things and discover kinks we didn’t know existed…in the world or in us.

  15. If you are in a good relationship, having enough sex life, … I would recommend not to watch porn. Because it will set wrong expectations in your mind which might affect your relationships at some point.

  16. There are plenty of people who are ok with it, plenty who encourage it, plenty who are ok within certain restrictions, and plenty who are not ok with it at all. ALL of these options are reasonable, you just need to make sure you and your partner are on the same page so there is no resentment. It’s cheating if your partner feels it’s cheating. It doesn’t matter what strangers on the internet think – and if you don’t agree and need your porn, then it’s time to find a new partner.

    Not being ok with porn usage is not always insecurity either, which is important to keep in mind.

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