Hi everyone,
I do not really know if I am seeking advice or just get this off my chest, but thank you in advance for reading this long post. I am sorry for my poor vocabulary and grammar, English is not my native tongue.

So to give context I (25F), and my bf (25M) have been together for 8 years.

He fell in love at first sight and I did not, he earned my love by seducing me over months, and I finally accepted his advances and developed a kind of what I thought was love for him, but instead I think now that it is just a lot of affection. I never felt this connexion of love with him, but liked to be in his company and we have shared numerous bad and good memories over the years.

So to come to the main story, I am supposed to leave with him in a couple of months to another country, because he found the job of his dreams there.
At first I was really happy for him, for us, I supported the whole thing, leaving the country was always my dream and he knew it, which was the main “green light” for him to apply at the fist place.

But then the realisation happened, I realised that my whole world was being shattered, that the only “thing” that I would be left with there, was him, nothing else was waiting for me, and I just happened to have my very first cold shower.

I realised that he never treated me the right way, he stopped long ago to seduce me and kept me as granted for a really long time, while treating me like I was the last person he wanted to be with.
I never expressed any kind of chemistry, or alchemy for him, he does not make me vibrate, but he can give me a really comfortable and stable life, and I know that he will always love me in his way.

Right as this moment, a long lost soul (29M) made a come back to my life, after 8 years of silence. It is no more than my first love, which was lost right before I got with my actual bf, who I never told what I felt.
We chatted a little and he wanted to meet and I agreed, between adults of course since I have someone, and time had passed.

And dang, I got to meet him and it was an instant wave of memories, I did not expect that at all. No more than his smell gave me back all the intense chemistry that I felt for him years ago.
I could not control it, looking into his eyes was mesmerising, I could see a whole new dimension again, it was not love but it was like a strong alchemy.
You do not know what it is until you experiment it for the first time, in a way I do not wish it to you since you lose all control.

I never ever felt something as strong as this, and I can tell you that in 8 years you meet an outrageous number of people, the only time someone made me feel like that, was when I met him, and again, 8 years later, it is still him.
I can not explain what and how, it gets me out of my mind how I could feel my whole body telling me that something was happening, I vibrated again.

Nothing happened when we met, only a goodbye hug. We discussed afterwards and I am someone that is honest as hell, I told him the truth, what I felt a long time ago and now, and he told me that he had something for me too years ago and he could again feel an alchemy between us now, some kind of attraction.
But also that it was no mean to keep seeing each other even as friends since I will always feel something for him and this would be awkward for me.

My feelings are really wrong right now, I do not know him after all this time, people change, but damn, I begin to feel that this guy could be the long lost unspoken love of my life, or the trigger to a better life.

Now here is the dilemma, I could stay with my bf, live a life of comfort and stability, without any chemistry and somewhat love.
Or leave him, try to find my real soulmate, even if it is not this long lost soul.

This reunion with him made me realise that I could be missing out on a life full of love by choosing to stay in a confortable life.
And man, this made me look right through the glass of truth that I ignored over the years, and finally looking at it came as a blow, I am not happy, I do not shine anymore with my bf.

But I am so afraid to be alone, I grew up with him, I made everything with him, but still, I do not vibrate for him. I’ll still lose my best friend of 8 years to find true love. I do not know what to do, listen to my heart, or listen to my head?

So Reddit, here is my torturing story that haunts me day and night since many weeks, thank you for reading.

I am really afraid of the decision that I am going to make, either way, it is a decision that is life changing, and right now all I want is to go back to my bubble, or 6 months ago and stop thinking about it.

TLDR : This is a story of true and unspoken love.

  1. If you are not happy in your relationship with your boyfriend then it’s ok to end things, certainly don’t move to another country with him.

  2. Is this the plot of the film Past Lives?

    Things aren’t working with your current bf and it’s ok to end it.

    I don’t know if this true love thing is just a shiny distraction helping you realize what is missing in your relationship, or if there’s something there. Either way, current bf isn’t the one.

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