My husbands family is wealthy. We live in a big house with his dad and step mom. we have our own room and have a baby one the way. he will be due in july!

my husbands sister lives in the pool house that’s in the backyard, she has 5 kids between ages 4 and 10. there is a pool in the back yard and these kids are constantly screaming outside (i understand they’re allowed to be loud outside). but they’ll be here for the summer and my baby is due in july.

but i am concerned, i will have a newborn. how will he handle constant screaming and children who don’t understand there is a sleeping baby upstairs?

this is my first child. i have no choice but to live with my husbands family at the moment. this is the best i can do in my situation. i’m nervous my sister in laws 5 kids will be kids and annoy me trying to raise my own.

what should i do?

**not to sound pretentious about my husbands families wealth. i come from a poor family and am not use to living in a big house. this is very new to me**

  1. it does sound chaotic; but having extra people around to help with new baby can be really nice. especially the sister who has parenting experience.

  2. Don’t worry, babies get used to the noise level around them. They’ll sleep when they need to, regardless of what’s going on. If your little one gets used to sleeping through noise, that’s less you need to worry about later. You can run the vacuum, the TV, the dishwasher, whatever while they nap, it’s glorious. I’m so happy for you that you have a nice place to stay, I hope his family is loving and supportive. Congratulations on your good news!

  3. Maybe run a fan or white noise so any sudden screaming is a little less jarring, but babies usually get used to whatever noise level you start them at. I never enforced strict quiet times for my two (only thing I won’t do is vacuum, but I hate vacuuming, sooo), and they actually sleep better when it’s not. Heck, my 3yo now insists on listening to paw patrol music every night, which would personally have me climbing the walls, but whatever works for her.

  4. Babies adapt. My SIL had 4 kids and when the youngest was born, she’d be in a stroller snoozing away at one of the older kids ball games with people cheering and clapping and no issues. It’s just all what they get used to.

    You on the other hand may have a harder time since you’ll need more rest too. You may have to invest in a good baby monitor and a white noise machine so you can hear the baby but drown out some of the kid noise.

  5. I grew up as the youngest of 5 so noisy households feel happy to me, my ex grew up as an only child and everytime our children made the smallest sound it would annoy her to no end.

    It might seem like a problem but if you can learn to embrace the situation you will find your child will be better able to adapt to chaotic situations as he/she gets older and have a better tolerance to noise.

    They will also be more socially adapted with so many cousins to play with and learn from

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