I don’t know if this is the right sub, but I will share my story. I am a 24 years old male and I never had a relationship, but I would love to get one. However I don’t think I will ever do honestly. I am a very introvert person and I don’t like to go out partying etc. so I don’t meet a lot of people/girls. And in my work field there are more males then females and I also don’t really want to date a colleague since I don’t think it’s a good idea anyway.

I have tried dating apps since I think they are my only option to still meet someone, but I don’t even get a like let alone a match there. I used it for around 1.5 years I really gave up on it.

The only social activity is when I meet with my friends, but they also get relationships, some married and get children so they won’t really have a lot time anymore to do things or meet. Also something that stings me is that since a lot of us except me and another dude in our group had a relationship so our friend group vacation doesn’t happen this year. So I am thinking about just not taking off from work anyway this summer.

Summer, Christmas and Valentine’s Day are probably the times that hurt the most. In summer everyone goes on holiday with their girlfriend and I don’t need to explain the other things I think.

Anyway, I am at a point that it made me feel completely hopeless. The last time I was close on getting a date was years ago in college and she rejected me then.

In 1-2 years I have to leave my parents home I still live at the moment and get my own home. However I am so scared to life alone, because I am not someone who wants to life alone. I have this anxiety for years and I think it’s becoming reality since I have nobody to life together with.

What can I do?

  1. you will find someone. but you have to socialize a bit more hun. just don’t think you have less to offer than any other .

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