What is a source of joy that you have refused to let someone take away from you?

  1. playing sims!!!!! i cant count how many guys i used to be into have laughed at me for liking it (“not a real game”) and how often my mom says its childish and i should grow up.

    honestly it relaxes me. i play maybe 3-4 times a year for like intense 2 week periods lol but its magic for recovering from life/work burnout

  2. Doing math. I’ve heard all of the math nerd jokes, been called a weirdo, been called a loser and none of that dims my love of math.

  3. God. Jesus Christ. Even at my lowest moments, even when I myself am the one trying to ignore him or remove him from my life, he’s still consistent and loving and definitely a source of joy.

  4. Sleeping. My younger child (who is 13!) will still sometimes wake me up for stupid shit. Yesterday before napping, I gave them a stern warning to not wake me the fuck up.

  5. Roleplaying. Idc how many people think it’s a hobby for kids, it’s genuinely fun and therapeutic for me. On that same note, kids shows, like Winx Club or Pokémon.

  6. My puppies – I have had people tell me that I spend too much time with them or am too “obsessed” with them. I tell them I prefer my dogs to their company anyway, and keep my dogs in my life while cutting those people out.

    Also, the theatre. It brings me joy. It’s about the only thing I love doing that’s away from my dogs. It relaxes me, amazes me, exposes me to new experiences, and entirely enriches my life. I once had an ex tell me that he thought going to the theatre was the epitome of elitism (ironic for someone who, among many other things, preferred to throw expensive gifts like sweaters, shirts, etc. in the garbage can rather than return them, tell the person who gave them to him that he didn’t want them, keep them, or donate them – or give them to me to donate, as I offered – because it was too much effort). I was more or less too shocked to respond.

  7. Dancing. I’ve been a dancer basically my whole life and I really love it. Even if I have a full schedule, I always find some time for dance classes. Also, I dance alone at home, vibing to music. It’s like therapy for me.

  8. Sex work. I genuinely love making adult content, but there’s an endless amount of people ready to dehumanize and shame sex workers. Not to mention how it limits my normal career and how few companies outside the sex work industry tolerate people doing it as a side thing.

    But I love it so much, and I’m not going to let a world that’s hostile to what brings me joy stop me.

  9. True crime. Cute when people say it’s unethical, just don’t watch it then.

  10. Video games

    Very very passionate about video games, if I date someone they HAVE to play them or at least understand them lol

  11. Stopping during a hike/walk to take photos of bees and mushrooms. I don’t care how annoying people think it is, I love it.

  12. Dressing the way I do. I never really let go of my goth phase and in the last 5 years I’ve finally embraced that I like to dress to match my taste in music. Idc if people make assumptions about me based on how I dress, it’s not my business. When the 21 year old at work tells me Tripp pants are cringe I just remind him that hopefully once he turns 30 he’ll realize that to be cringe is to be free.

  13. Drinking. Especially drinking alone. My favourite thing to do in the whole world is go to a bar by myself and have a few drinks. It is seen as weird and everyone thinks I must be depressed or lonely or want company but no! I’m happily married with a very fulfilling life and I just love drinking! It brings me joy and no one is ever going to take that away from me.

  14. Sugar. You can pull my sweet tooth out of me when I’ve breathed my last breath.

    I want to point out I am in good health, good weight, am active and eat a balanced diet. Sugar just happens to be a moderate yet crucial part of that balance.

    Basically I take care of myself so I can continue with my sweet shenanigans in good health.

  15. My gaming.

    I have moments where I’m like ‘you’re 32 and still play Xbox, what is wrong with you’ but then the rest of the time, I don’t understand why it should be an issue. I get a lot of side eye from women my age, who are tied up with their kids and work. I can’t have kids and my work allows me a bit more free time than a standard 9-5 so I fill the gaps of time for myself with my games.

    I’m not harming anyone but I get why people my age who are tied to a lot of responsibilities might see it as wasteful or ridiculous when they don’t have a lot of spare time. Different paths I guess.

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