I just awoke from a nightmare where I was being attacked.

Then after being awake for 5 min and trying to stay awake so as not to fall back into the nightmare, a fly went in my ear and was buzzing inside my head. I was thinking “holy cow, how am I going to get that out”.

Then after 5 seconds it was trying to erratically get out but my automatic response was to hit at my ear. It did get out though, but I don’t know if it’s dead or alive.

And finally while lying here mentally reorganising myself, I see a moth on the wall. Moths are my big fear. Now wondering if it was a moth or a fly in my ear. Don’t think moths buzz though.

So surrounded by bugs and afraid to go back to sleep cos I might get killed.

And I’m utterly shattered as just back from Glasto. Just.want.to.sleep.

  1. Have a joint if you’ve got any left from the weekend.

    I would but I’m dry

    It’s just so fucking hot in this house, I’m Ctually considering sleeping in the garden but I know I’d get devoured. At the stare at the ceiling stage currently. May try reading in an effort to convince my eyes they could do with a rest.

  2. Whatever the heck I ate that’s currently doing a dance in my bowels. A very long, very bouncy, very uncomfortable dance.

    I thank the universe for the day I decided to instal a bidet.

  3. I’m on strong antibiotics and just can’t seem to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. Watching the clock until I eventually give up and go to work.

  4. Oof yeah sounds like the moth went past your ear and the vibrations from it’s movement made you dream that a bug went directly in your ear.

    I can’t sleep because I restarted my ADHD meds post holiday to help me focus at work however it means bad sleep for the next week. Also trains are so loud and people shouting outside random hours of the night.

  5. 2 weeks of having a non stop cough (and cold like symptoms), followed up by a huge to do list at work that is on my mind.

    My dreams seem to be strange iterations of things I need to do at work and I often wake up totally confused of what is real vs what I’ve just totally dreamt up!

  6. Just a generally poor sleep routine. I went to bed at 10, it’s now 4, this really isn’t fair.

  7. I’m sat in economy, one hour into a ten hour flight. No sleep for this callsign.

  8. I can’t sleep because, firstly, I rarely do at the minute but secondly I have a train to catch to London.

    I always seem to get anxious I’ll sleep in when I need to travel so always have a really bad night sleep the night before

  9. We put one of our rabbits to sleep yesterday afternoon and have barely stopped crying. Fell asleep briefly on the sofa so our other rabbit had some company as it’s his first night in almost 7 years without her being around.

    Woke up at 2 and been wide awake since then, scrolling through photos and sobbing occasionally.

  10. I said something inappropriate to a friend going through a hard time and feel terrible about it. Woke up in the night naturally and can’t stop thinking about it. Currently laying on the sofa deciding what to do an hour later

  11. No idea. Woke up at 4am and now my brain has decided that’s all I’m allowed.

  12. I always have a bad night’s sleep, ADHD and insomnia…..always great waking up at 1am being up for 6 hours then going to work, I feel fucking great about 3pm!!

    I’m a tradesman sometimes I’m working in an empty place and have the keys, If that’s the case I just crack on, thankfully I’m doing my own bathroom out at the min so won’t be so bad today.

    Then I get home shower, have my dinner fall asleep about 9 and the same shit starts over again it’s like fucking groundhog Day….hardly see my partner and it gets lonely.

    All started in lockdown and still not been able to sort it out.

  13. I had a job interview yesterday and fluffed it, feeling like shit, I have no money can’t seem to get anything from the government to get me any food and keep messing up interviews. I just want to work, I hate being so poor.

  14. I woke up as my child called out for me. Can’t go back to sleep because today is the last time I’ll see the man I love whose totally shattered my heart. Heartbreak sucks.

  15. My curtains hardly block out light and the early morning sun is lighting my room up.

    (Eye mask en route from Amazon today.)

  16. I woke up one midnight with a bad nightmare. My mom who passed away told me to come with her I cried hardly because I don’t want to come with her.

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