I was close friends with this girl in high school, we hung out a lot and smoked weed together, and continued hanging out even after high school. We made a lot of cool memories and shared inside jokes and we would text each other a lot too. She seemed to like my humor and would tag me in posts on social media with the caption “us” and things like that. I’m not really sure what happened but we didn’t talk to each other for a few years, I tried texting her one day and she ignored me and I think she unfriended me on facebook??

It’s been another few years since that happened, and I find myself still thinking about her and missing her these days. I feel like contacting her would be weird though, because so much time has passed and I don’t want her to think I’m trying to hook up or something. I know it can be weird if a guy texts a girl randomly but it’s not like I’m a total stranger, and I do just genuinely want to be friends with her again. What do you think?

1 comment
  1. I want to reconnect with my long lost love. Whenever I made her laugh , it would make me feel ecstatic. But I never bothered to share my feelings. 5 years later I think about her and fantasize that I just text her, we start chatting slowly and we eventually get close.

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