What was the breaking point of your life that made you take control and change your ways?

  1. Discovered the deception at home and at the church. Chose to do what’s best for me in this life.

  2. I was well on my way to becoming a serious drug addict, and my sweet little innocent strawhat wearing garden gnome of a mum dragged me to the doctor when I was home for the holidays, because she was so worried that I might have gotten a serious bug because I was looking so run down and tired but not sleeping at all. And she came with me inside the doctors office because she said she didn’t trust that I would speak up. And the doctor knew straight away. It was so clear that I was high. I didn’t say a word I was so ashamed. And Infront of my mum he said he’d order some blood work and maybe prescribe some antibiotics. But then when we went to pay he called me back inside and told me he was not going to prescribe me anything, and that if I wanted help I had to come back for a new appointement on my own and he would help me get the help I needed.
    And when we got home she wrapped me up in a blanket and gave me tea and took my fever. And all the time I was just laying there hearing ocean sounds and seeing ghostpeople, trying to pretend I had a chest thing and the sniffles.
    So that was my breaking point.
    Had a few relapses after that, but that was the moment I decided that I wanted to quit

  3. tw SA, abuse, suicide ideation, revenge porn


    about 2+ years ago i got raped. i thought i was at the best point of my life before that. recent out of a two year abusive relationship, working out constantly and having lost a lot of weight, best mental condition of my life.

    well, it didnt last. i got raped and had to go to the hospital because i “tore”, got bedridden for two months, suicidal and got a permanent sti. absolute lowest point. not long after, the guy i was interested in for a while started blackmailing me with revenge porn.

    i havent been able to take control of my diet and exercise yet but it did push me to take control of who i trust and to be more picky with people. it made me a little more lonely, sure, but im currently finally in a healthy good happy relationship for the first time in my life. it gets better

  4. I had a miscarriage and my (now ex)husband left me alone as it was happening to meet up with his side piece. He then told everybody that I had made it all up for attention and was never pregnant. I realized that I had settled into a shitty life with a shitty person. I told him I wanted a divorce, moved out, got a new job, changed my look, focused on my mental health, made new friends outside of our group, and stopped putting up with a lot of people’s shit. I started standing up for myself and doing things that made me happy. Best decision ever. I didn’t realize how I had dulled myself down so much.

  5. Strangers feel the urge to tell me what they think of me after 5 minutes of talking to me (I don’t know why). Now I speak my mind and stop being political correct all the time.

    It’s very liberating.

  6. Finally leaving my abusive violent ex once and for all. Didn’t realize he’s been holding me back for years. Once I permanently left, I took control of my life again and now I am in control again

  7. Right after college, realized I hated my country and most of the people in it, and one day I woke up and literally just ran

    It was like that scene from Forrest Gump, I ran for miles and miles and eventually realized I need to leave and start completely over, so I did

    I think the breaking point were the people around me, EVERYONE was depressed, EVERYONE was struggling with money and debts and the constant worry of violence, not to mention the crazy amount of homeless and crime that surrounded me despite living in a “nice” area.

  8. Near fatal alcohol poisoning at 27. It was rock bottom for me. I turned it around the very next day. Now I’m happily married, own a home, and am about to have a little baby girl in just a few weeks. I never would have had all of this if I hadn’t stopped binge drinking.

  9. 2 years ago.. Overheating quickly with very little exertion. Never had a biopsy, but I assumed NAFLD. I started intermittent and extended fasting. No longer overheating now.

  10. I used to never want to leave my loved ones behind. One day, I didn’t care if I died and left them behind. That’s when I knew I needed more help. I was already seeing a therapist for a couple of years. I got on antidepressants and it changed my life.

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