Who here has gone to concerts alone? How was the experience?

  1. I’ve been travelling around Europe for concerts, probably like 90% alone, since I was 18. Never had anything but great experiences and I met a ton of now good friends that way.

  2. i go to concerts, theater, parks, restaurants alone quite often. its a nice experience. i like having time to connect with myself and i enjoy it a lot. i dont make friends per se because im still introverted but at least im not missing out

  3. I’ve gone to a few concerts alone (going to one this weekend!), by choice, and I’ve always enjoyed it. I like the freedom – you can show up whenever you want, leave whenever you want, push your way to the front without having to make sure your friends are with you, etc. I don’t see concerts as social experiences; I’m just there for the music.

  4. I’ve gone to a few by myself and it’s been fine. Sometimes I talk to other people, sometimes I don’t. The only time not having someone with me was ever a pain was being in a long queue and needing to leave it to use the bathroom – had nobody to save my spot for me! πŸ˜‚

  5. I’ve been to a few shows alone at this point, varying venue sizes. I actually really enjoy it, there isn’t any pressure to dance or do whatever, and I can get as close to the stage as I want. The primary downside is that I have to pee a lot, so I somewhat risk losing my spot if I have to go… and I keep the drinking to a minimum as a result, which can make the concert experience more fun sometimes.

  6. I go to concerts alone, but what I do more often is go to the theatre alone. Both experiences I love! Unless I am going to go with someone who can 100% match or bypass my own enthusiasm, I prefer to go alone and talk to other people at the event who *do* match my enthusiasm.

  7. First time is awkward.. but you get used to it. I enjoy my own company.. so it makes going out alone easy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. Used to go to tons of concerts when I lived in California

    Great experience when you go with a group of friends, not very fun alone.

  9. I do all the time.

    Pros: You can stand wherever you want and you meet loads of cool people.

    Cons: You can’t go for a drink or a pee without losing your place.

  10. Going alone is my default. I enjoy it; I can focus completely on the music instead of dividing my attention between that and my companion.

  11. I’ve been going to concerts alone since I was 15. At 16 I was going to a 3-day festival on my own (this was 2001).
    I like it. Sure, it’s nice if there’s a buddy there who is also excited about the music and we can have a bit of a chat before the show starts, but when I’m alone I can just do whatever I want. I can stand wherever and I can just leave when I’m not into it. Don’t have to try and find my friends again if I need a bathroom break. It’s awesome. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ»

  12. I went to see MGMT alone, bought 2 tickets but my POS ex preferred to drink at a shitty bar so I ended up giving his to a girl who couldn’t even be nice enough to buy me a drink or something in return for a free $50 ticket. ANYWAY. Despite all of that I had a blast, danced with and kissed a cute girl I met in the crowd, and the show itself was awesome!

  13. Me! I went to Garth Brooks concert in Orlando by myself, got a hotel, and Uber to the show from the hotel and back. It was honestly one of the best times I’ve ever had, by myself πŸ€·πŸ’ƒ

  14. Loved it! You can pick a spot anywhere you want without worrying about the other person (I have some short friends) and it’s too loud to talk anyway so it’s not a big deal. Only slightly annoying thing is if you need to grab a drink/bathroom break you might lose your spot with no one to mind it.

  15. I went to KISS alone several times because my mom says she’s getting too old for this, I had a blast every time I went alone, nothing different than going with my mom but without her.

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