There was a tread I was reading about “opening up” …”being vulnerable” and how the vast majority of people had a bad experience with SO.

I don’t understand, what kind of stuff you talk? What changed everything?
Would anyone give me any examples?

  1. It’s stuff that you wouldn’t tell just anybody. It means you’re trusting the other person with sensitive information about you, and you’re trusting them to support you and not use what you told them against you.

    For instance, let’s say I’m sensitive about something. Being vulnerable with someone means I tell this person the thing I’m sensitive about, and trust them not to make fun of me for it when they get angry or upset with me.

    Being vulnerable is important because it deepens social relationships. People can’t fully love you if they don’t know who you are.

  2. An example of being vulnerable would be telling your SO about a past traumatic event. An example of that example “going wrong” would be if you describe the traumatic event to your SO, and they laugh or mock you for it.

  3. When I’m being vulnerable I’m letting down my guard and being honest about my fears and insecurities.

  4. Talking about past trauma or current issues that you just don’t tell anyone.
    Couple things that may make the list
    abusive childhood
    Getting molested/raped
    Having an std
    A social anxiety that you struggled with
    A horrible experience you had

    Anything that is personal, and far away from small talk. Things that can be weaponized against you.

  5. To me something vulnerable is something that you hold close to yourself, and those you highly trust and respect. It might be something that you did, something you went through or something someone else did to you. It could be a personal struggle, mental issues or other health problems. Things that are “vunlnerable” are dynamic, they influence our everyday life, our habits and our mentality. For someone else to know that stuff about you, it requires trust that they won’t share it with everyone, trust that they will respect you and your personal vulnerabilities, and trust that they can continue to be in your life, not judge you for those things and support you. There are things in life that when others find out, they run. Those are vunerable things. In short, it’s just something very personal, that you won’t share with many, if anyone, and it has signifigant value or meaning to you in some way, shape, or form.

  6. Past experiences, good or bad, thoughts and opinions that I don’t feel safe sharing with just anybody, more intimate thoughts and interests, bad stuff in general like fears or regrets, personal issues that I hide for the sake of my reputation or social points.

  7. Showing weakness to ur SO and she will.lose respect for you. Its the rule. So dont cry, breakdown, or get frightned with ur SO.

  8. In short.

    If I tell SO anything other then Happy or angry feelings I’m a joke.

    I tell her I’m sad. She tells me to man up.

    I tell her I’m afraid, she tells me to man up.

    I tell her I’m nervous she tells me to man up and not be a bitch.

    I tell her I’m uncertain and she tells me bitches feel uncertainty.

    But, If I don’t want to tell her those things, then she gets mad.

    There’s no winning this cruel game.

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