i’ve posted this in another relationship advice page but i just cant get it off my chest. i never knew a heartbreak could physically hurt so much. i hurt the man i love and im paying the price bc he broke up with me. it was emotional and we both cried so much. we held each other crying. we both still love each other. why did i do that? why did i have to go and be so insecure for something so stupid?. i need help and i accept it and im determined to change. i want to change i really do. not just for him but for myself. i want to ask for another chance just one last chance and nothing more. please. i just need someone that has asked for a second chance and it actually working out. is it possible? i will put in the work and be better and break toxic habits. i wont pick petty fights anymore i wont do it. i’ll get help and be less insecure. i can do it i can. im sorry it took us breaking up for me to get my act together but i swear i didnt mean for this to happen.
i love this man with everything i have. i saw us married. i saw us being together forever. we were so alike and different. we complimented each other so well. he was my best friend. he understood me. i loved everything about him and he loved me. why did i fuck it up like that? please just tell me theres a chance. thats its ok to ask for a second chance. one very last chance at working on us. i think this is worth fighting for. second chances can work right?

why do we hurt the ones we love the most??

sorry this is all over the place. im at work and the pain in my chest was just unbearable. i didnt think i could cry like this in a bathroom stall.

tldr: i fucked up something good. can i ask for a second chance if im determined to work on myself and redeem myself for what i did wrong?

  1. It’s not a good idea to ask for a second chance. You have to work on yourself for your own sake. And you’re saying those words but asking for a second chance is the opposite of changing for yourself … Change takes time. You can’t just decide to be healthy. You need to change habits, maybe go to therapy, learn some new stuff. It’s not fair to beg for him to come back when you haven’t done the work yet. You’re just creating drama.

    Grieve the relationship properly first and take the lesson you were given. If it’s meant to be between the two of you then it will be. You have to respect his decision though.

  2. It would help to know exactly what his reason was for breaking up with you so I could have some insight if it’s a workable issue or not, though honestly, sometimes it doesn’t matter what the reason is if your ex is well and truly done with your relationship.

    Unless you were physically or mentally abusive, there’s nothing wrong with asking him for a second chance. Just know that statements like “I’ll change!” are easy to SAY but not to demonstrate. Empty promises. I’m not saying you’re not serious, just that he has no idea if you’re going to do the same behaviors that drove him to end the relationship. It would take a huge act of blind trust for him to give it another shot.

    If he turns you down, don’t try again and again to convince him. Respect if it’s a ‘no’ and let yourself let go of him.

  3. I need to know precisely what is your fucked up to see if your BF is being fair towards you.

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