Hi all. Idk if I’m past my breaking point or if I can give anymore. I’m currently upset and my partner and I got into a fairly heated argument. We both say we’re trying to fix things/work on stuff but idk if anything is working. No history of cheating or abuse. What were clear signs or moments when you realized it just wasn’t going to work out? I know relationships are hard but when are they just not right? We love each other a lot and share common goals and values, but communication and financial strain are really taking a toll. He said he was open yo counseling but there’s always a reason we don’t look into it either for financing, time, etc. Idk what to do.

1 comment
  1. Trust your gut. You don’t need to keep working on it if you’re not feeling it anymore. I’ve had that little voice tell me to end it and I just couldn’t do it because there wasn’t a crazy, dramatic over the top reason why I should end it.

    But that’s not a good reason to keep a relationship going. And anyway, my gut was right and we ended up breaking up anyways because we weren’t right for each other. Do yourselves a favor and just break it off if that’s what you’re feeling. Stop wasting each other’s time.

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