Little backstory. I am a 21 year old guy who has no experience in dating. I have had a few crushes here and there since i was 16 but i was never able to bring myself to do something about it because i was too afraid i guess? I have been friends with this girl since i was 18. She joined my friend group and we just started hanging out. Only saw her as a friend until about a year and half ago, we got closer and started talking to each other a lot more and texting/calling each other pretty often and about a year ago she admited that she would date me. I reacted a bit weird because i was not expecting to hear that from her and did nothing about it. A month after that she even made a move on me ( again i wasn’t able to bring myself to do anything about it ) and i have been regretting it ever since.

Since all of this i have been crazy over her. I don’t think there has been a single day where i haven’t thought of her and there are days where i can’t even concentrate on studying or whatever else im doing because of her.

Our friendship hasn’t changed since then we still talk very often and hangout with each other like going to parties and stuff like that and i still feel like she still has a crush on me.

I want to finally shoot my shot and take her on a few dates and see how it goes and how she reacts and i am planning on making it clear what i want. I would like you guys to give me advice on what to do and how to approach her and what to say and stuff like that. Would dinner and after that a walk near the beach be okay as the first one? I know i waited a long ass time to do something, do you think i still have a chance?

All advice appreciated, sorry if i made any grammar mistakes. English is not my first language.

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