When I told her how I felt about her and my interest in being a couple, she said that she wasn’t ready for a relationship.

It’s driving me insane, she dosent like physical touch, but pokes me and grabs onto me, she sometimes wants my attention and stares at me until I do, but looks away after. She calls me dork and weirdo, and refuses to take a compliment. She’s spirtual and has been very vulnerable with me about her mental state and beliefs etc… I have also opened up to her about myself and it feels like we can rely on eachother emotionally.

I haven’t made a physical move yet other than hugs. I just don’t know how to get her to commit I guess? Or do I need to just make a move on her already? Need advice cause she’s taking a nap on my bed rn….

  1. She’s leading you on bro, stop getting played, I know how it feels nice to think you’re slowly making progress and all but if you’ve told her how you feel and she doesn’t feel the same you need to go back to being friends if you can otherwise just cut her loose…

  2. You can’t get someone to commit who doesn’t want to commit. You need to decide what you want in a relationship and what you’re comfortable with and if you’re not getting that with her then you need to call it off and set your boundaries with her. There’s no point torturing yourself and teasing yourself by going along with this when you’re not actually getting what you want.

  3. She is using you. Maybe she wants to leave where she lives pn the weekend and you are a cheap airbnb.

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