Hi there, my child’s teacher has gone way above and beyond this year. There is a class collection which I have contributed to for the teacher and tags but I also want to give a gift that let’s her know that we appreciate her and value the extra time and effort she has put into my (difficult) child.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Budget £50.

Thank you.

  1. About 90% of my friends are teachers. They’d all like wine to deal with the stress lol

  2. I always appreciate a chocolate orange! Other lovely presents have been a china ‘travel cup’ with a lid (nice for moving around in corridors), a spa bath set for a bit of pampering and a book related to my subject. But whatever you do a card with a message is the nicest part (also consider an appreciative email to the headteacher with the teacher copied in).

  3. Former teacher here. My most appreciated gifts were the thoughtful ones, like one kid got me a orchid necklace because she asked what my favourite flower was, another gave me a purple stationery set knowing that my fav color is purple and I also was given a set of books which were all tailored to my interests. I also received some amazing handcrafted gifts from kids that I taught, like one had painted the whole class onto a tote bag. Apart from that, I appreciated edible gifts like posh hampers, cheese, baklava, chocolates, vouchers for high end restaurants.

  4. A card with the things you appreciate will never be forgotten (or indeed, discarded – teachers keep every thank you card) and truly is the best gift. If you want to add a gift, a voucher for a facial/massage/pedicure might be nice for a summer holiday treat. Other ideas: A nice food hamper, book voucher, coffee voucher etc. basically anything you’d like yourself. Wine is always appreciated of course 🙂

  5. Teachers get so many shit gifts every year. If you really want to get them something nice with that £50, get them a gift card for M&S

  6. As a teacher, the best gifts were thoughtful. A lovely, handwritten card is always very appreciated.

    Oh, and write an email to their headteacher and CC them in! If you don’t have their email you can deliver a written message addressed to the headteacher to the school office. I guarantee it will make their day.

  7. I’m a teacher, my favourite gifts were just thank you cards. I have a poem my form wrote me when I left my first school that’s framed on my wall. I still have all the thank you cards. I even have little drawings the kids did and were like “for you” with.

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