I was recently in a talking stage from late January to mid June and everything was good up until the 3rd or 4th month. We used to text a lot and hang out almost half the week together and he’d even call me to sleep on the phone together and we’d talk for hours. Now it’s like he takes hours to respond or we don’t see each other as much and I have to ask him to hangout or go out but every-time I saw him in person he’d be sweet to me. Him and his ex were together for 3 years and they broke up a year ago due to her always cheating bc of long distance. So I don’t think it was that, or him texting other girls because I’ve seen his phone and he has morals and was always faithful to me even in the talking stage as long as I was to him and I never had a gut feeling. I was also the first girl he took to his house to meet his parents and siblings since him and his ex broke up so I felt happy and thinking things were going somewhere. He’s had things like being in the hospital for a week bc he smoked something laced so he couldn’t walk for a few days and went MIA for a week the time he was at the hospital, his friend also recently passed away 2 weeks ago, I feel like since March after he came back from the hospital things changed. He runs a small company with my brother and he was dealing with too many clients which is what led him to the hospital, smoking on something laced. Due to his business mainly involving men, he’s more reserved and was always saying about the “hustle” and “money” I had to get him to open up to me and show that it’s ok to be vulnerable to your partner and he slowly has and it’s been so great but I didn’t know about his friend dying until the next week and he said he was fine but I don’t think it’s true. I’m not sure if it’s that or that he doesn’t like me anymore but I asked and he said he’s “not ready for commitment and doesn’t want to force anything yet” and “ I don’t want to waste your time I just need time and I don’t think right now is the time for me to force something with someone” I was pretty sad over it because I had been there for him but I just did the mature thing and said that I was looking for a relationship and wished him the best. He said “I care and miss you too. I just know I need time and don’t want to rush into anything. I hope everything turns out good for you too 🤍” Either I’m being delusional thinking he’ll text me when he’s ready or not but if he didn’t like me anymore he would’ve said “this isn’t working out for us”. I feel like he’s going through it bc of everything that’s happened to him so far and I’ve been there supporting him and idk if it’s him or he’s going through issues and some people can’t commit to relationships when there’s a lot of stress on them, I miss him a lot and it’s been 4 days since we texted and I just want to text and let him know that I don’t want to lose him or let it go and just text after 3 months to catch up with him and try again. Do I text him my true feelings on not wanting to lose him after he said he doesn’t want to force a relationship?

  1. If he likes you still, you’d know it; if he doesn’t then you’ll be confused – if the latter: move on.

  2. I wouldn’t text him. He has clearly stated he needs time. You should respect that. You should move on. Talk to others. live your life. He may eventually ping you when he is ready or not. Only him and time can tell that.

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