Its a minor problem but a pretty embarrassing one…

A week ago I was at a birthday party and a guy was talking into my direction “Hey you know what we are doing here?” “Sure! were having a big birthday party!” To which he said nothing.

My brother then told me that he wasnt talking to me.

However he looked into my direction.


Another one: a few weeks ago when I was in Italy eating at a restaurant already with a few glasses of wine. A woman said “ciao” (Ah I know that word!!) “ciao” I responded to which my family and I started to laugh because she was talking to her neighbour. I didnt show it but It was super uncomfortable for me…

Is there any way to avoid this?

  1. Roll with it. Insert yourself in there like it was intentional. Get a kick or a laugh out of it. It’s already awkward anyway what’s the worst that could happen?

  2. I personally see it as charismatic if you can just take it and roll with it, and just laugh at yourself. It shows you aren’t too overly aware (good) and like to just always flow with harmony. Could just be a “cute” quirk of yours!

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