How many creams and sugars do you order for your coffee?

  1. None unless the coffee isn’t great, generally. I usually only doctor up my coffee if I’m not a huge fan of the coffee (burnt tasting, badly bitter, weak, etc). Most of the time, I take my coffee black.

  2. I’m working on cutting down on sweetener. Right now it’s 3 stevia in a trenta with a splash of heavy cream.

  3. If the coffee is good or espresso, nothing. Starbucks, Mac donalds I will ask for one sugar… I don’t take mil/cream in my coffee since I was a kid…

  4. Neither. I don’t enjoy sweet drinks and milk in coffee makes it taste like earth/dirt to me.

  5. Knowing how much pretty much every single person on the planet loves coffee, i decided to give it a try. I was at a place that had free coffee and all the fixins, but here’s the thing, I don’t know *anything* about coffee. So I poured a cup and added 2 or 3 sugars and tried it. Disgusting. Added a little more, taste. Disgusting. This went on until I had added THIRTY TWO (32) sugars, and it was still undrinkable. So I gave up and threw it away. Caffeine makes me sick, and coffee tastes like a burnt foot :p

  6. No sugar and just enough dairy (usually non fat milk or oat milk) that there’s a slight change in color.

  7. My coffee just gets mocha sauce and it’s absolutely delicious. The Starbucks mocha sauce is a perfect bitter sweet !!!

  8. It’s more like how much coffee I put in my milk. It’s probably close to half and half. Yes, I use milk and not cream, I have plenty of milk right now.

  9. Cream in coffee isnt a thing where I live, only milk.

    If i’m taking my coffee black, then no sugar. One sugar if it has milk.

  10. Americans, when you say cream in your coffee, do you mean milk or actual real cream?

  11. When I make my own coffee using my Nespresso, I use a double espresso pod, 3 pumps of vanilla, and steamed milk topped with some foam 🥰

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