Like really free. Financially, physically, mentally and emotionally.

  1. I swallow it down because im anything but free.

    Financially a slave to my ex.

    Must show phyiscal restraint at all times or i might hurt someone or get thrown in prision.

    Mentally accually get a few moments with escapism.

    Emotionally same as phyiscal.

  2. Supress it and get back to work.

    Joking aside, I know exactly what you mean. Throughout my twenties I’ve felt this way and when talking about it, people would either mock me, get offended on behalf of society, or condescendingly empathize and try to encourage me to “grow out of it”. And I tried to, and I was well on my way to becoming just another resigned, emotionally suppressed adult finding solace in drugs, escapist entertainment, narcissistic supply and the occasional bout of cathartic anger.

    The anger also started channeling itself into outrage over environmental issues.

    Then the covid lockdowns happened and I observed the collective panic reaction, and the counter panic reaction, and the counter-counter panic reaction and I was finally able to put into words something that I’d always known: that human group behaviour is not just retarded, but dangerous and destructive and it had created dependent prisoners of society out of all of us through comfort and consumerism. That if this was how the world reacted to the covid virus, I needed to gtfo outta here before some actually serious shit started going down. And I started breaking my dependence on societies’ structures and systems anywhere I could, as much as I could. I started educating myself on taking nutrition from nature instead of the supermarket, and I started searching out living situations that didn’t tie me down to one location and which I needed to continuously pay for (and thus have stable employment. And thus be completely logged into the society and under the thumb of the state), or risk being thrown out on the street.

    Basically I started surfing on civilization instead of being rooted down in it. I gave up all the useless stuff and possessions I had already accumulated in only 10 years living on my own, and started living a more nomadic lifestyle, occasionally settling down to work some and save up some money. I’ve never been happier, even though I realize I have a pretty weird life and I have significantly reduced the chances of finding a partner willing to share it with me. I don’t really care. And these are only the babysteps, I plan on making myself more and more and more independent, ideally to the point where it does not matter whether society crumbles around me or not.

    Freedom is not a state of being, nor something that is granted to you. It is an act of defiance to everyone who tells you No.

  3. Channel it and let it motivate me to achieve it. I grew up with everyone letting me down. I realized the only person who cares enough about you to improve your life and give you your freedom is yourself.

    This helped me get a good job and now I can afford to live alone in a safe neighborhood in one of the most expensive cities in the US. I feel pretty damn free compared to when I was 18, living with my parents with no job.

  4. I make music. At different times in my life, I did different types of art, like drawing, or writing, but these days I find I can express everything through music, and I just play guitar a lot, and continue working on tracks I’m producing. It fills me with a sense of purpose, and an outlet for making some sense of the kaleidoscope of feelings that pass through me each day. It requires me to keep mentally and physically fit & practiced in order to execute my ideas quickly and clearly and stay focused. I feel freed from so many of the day to day burdens of life, just by being able to reflect on them and respond to them through my self-expression. It just works for me.

  5. Tell him to wait until shit hits the fan then we can go live in the woods like we wanted to begin with

  6. I’m satisfied with my freedom. Business owner and work 3 days a week. No debt. No kids. Great 14 yr old relationship with my wife. Good friends. No religious ties.

    None of us are truly free, but i can’t complain.

  7. You suppress it. Because when it reaches the surface of You, the anxiety of your situation will overwhelm you. You need to find contentment wherever you are, because once you let that feeling take control, everything you have right now will never feel enough. That being said, I’m in a reasonable financial situation at the moment. I should be grateful that I’m not homeless or struggling with a massive debt. I still yearn for not having to wake up early and get my butt to a job. To just enjoy life freely as I want is a bliss I will not experience because I do not have the money to do so. But I should find ways to find freedom where I am to help quell that overwhelming dread that lurks in the shadows taunting me of what I cannot have.

  8. Drop everything and go. Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn’t.

  9. Work smart. Follow your dreams.

    Improve yourself.

    Be awesome

    Take opportunities

    Never give up

    To be honest I am pretty much there. Took alot of hard work and focus, but I did it.

    Tldr; do something about it.

  10. Wake up, and face the realization that I’ll be working right up to lunch time on the day of my funeral.

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