Well this is related to the same post which I created earlier:

My(21M) girl (21F) is about to go on a 2-3 day trip with her girl bsf and another “good” guy friend and they all will share the same room. What should I do? Can I trust her?
by u/Cadyce_ in relationship_advice

But now I don’t know how to confront her this because she called me rn and started guilt tripping me and making me feel like shit but at the same time I didn’t wanna make her feel sad .. but she started being sad and kinda started crying which really made me feel like shit …. But then I didn’t wanna blow up everything on her rn so I told her I’ll tell her tomorrow.. but I really don’t know what to say and I’m confused as fuck as I felt like shit..

  1. First red flag: snapchatting dude her piercings
    Second red flag: goong on a trip with a dude and sleeping in tje same room
    Red flag 3: emotionally manipulative behavior and gas lighting.

    3 red flags. Move on.

  2. Depends on the circumstances. Is this a new guy friend, how did they meet, have they recently started talking more? etc. She is young, and young people do dumb things. Trust your gut. Unless this guy has met you, and the friendship is that casual, its pretty disrespectful. Depending on how you answer those questions, stuff like this is typically how relationships become toxic and resentful.

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