If so, why did they still reject you, despite how awesomely attractive you look?

I learned that “everyone” gets rejected at some point in their lives so I had to ask this.

  1. I’ve been rejected a lot. Mixed signals thinking women were flirting with me when they weren’t, even when they were flirting with me they’re sometimes attached and apparently just flirting for fun, not looking for a relationship right now (and I’m not looking for anything casual), gotten a lot of numbers and Snapchats and been ghosted quite a bit over both for who knows what reasons. Maybe my personality, maybe their life or insecurity, who knows.

  2. It’s not all about looks. I’ve met tons of very physically attractive women I’d never go out on a date with.

  3. Hmm. I’ve been rejected before so I must not be smoking hot.


    Please understand that there is sooo much more to attraction than physical appearance. A hot asshole is still just an asshole

  4. I was sure that I was smoking hot. Then I was rejected over and over again. Now I realize I’m just another average nobody.

  5. Haha The more you hear about the experience of men whose looks help them attract women easily, the more you realize things like – if those men haven’t established their inner life enough to come from a centered place, they get cheated on and left just like anyone else might.

    Their friends can tell you, “Yeah – he gets girls’ attention at the drop of a hat… but over the years, girls are always cheating on him and ending up leaving…”

    (A reality that probably feels pretty miserable, if you think about it.)

  6. Everyone can get rejected.

    Just look at all the celebrities out there who are generally considered super hot. There’s probably many of those you would reject yourself, because they simply aren’t to your tastes.

  7. Yes

    I dunno man, I just live here. I’m like an Idaho 11/10 and an LA 5/10

    When I was younger, it’s because I was socially awkward and had a lot of trauma induced dysfunction. Plus I hadn’t put on real muscle yet and teenage girls don’t have much interest in gangly teenage boys.

    Usually I get rejected for wanting a relationship instead of casual sex. Mostly from women I met online. Which is partly my fault for digging through the trash and being mystified about finding trash.

    Some people are just damaged and need to fuck strangers for their brains to feel less on fire. Maybe it helps, maybe it makes it worse. I dunno, but I’m done participating.

    These days, I just live for me and if a woman gravitates towards me organically, I give her a shot. Usually it’s not a good fit.

    Which is fine. If my sincerity is a turn off, I don’t need a woman like that in my life.

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