How have your views changed in the last five years, if at all, on the balance between “quality of life” and “accumulation of wealth / material things”?

  1. No, I always thought that just grinding money is stupid as fuck.

    Its something people with the “personality trait” of being richer than you enjoy, but the sad reality is that they cant even tell you anything else, because grinding is all they know.

  2. I had a different awakening. I used to save more than others and not spend it but a few near misses with the reaper and everything going on made me embrace oblivion. Can’t take it with you when you are dead.

  3. As I’ve grown older. I’ve appreciated the importance of friendships and relationships with people more over wealth and material things.

  4. I realized that if i don’t start a company of my own, i will never get rich with just doing a good job, no matter how much i pull my own leg out.
    So i stopped chasing the Dragon and put my focus more on my freetime, the more the better.

  5. I used to have a lot of physical things. I collected sports cards, had physical movies, et al, and a lot of my focus was on collecting material things.

    I’m just past 50 now, and over the past five years or so, I’ve gotten to where I would rather just have fewer things. Buying things that last instead of things I have to replace when I’m buying things at all, as well.

  6. the last 2 years i basically had unlimited OT at work, my wife was also off for 16 month due to mat leave. So i worked my ass off taking all the OT i could mentally take and until my wife said enough. Both years i made an average 50-60k and 40 ish the year before in just OT. it’s about 1300 per OT shift.

    now…. i fucking hate taking it and i tell them to pass me up but if it’s canceling someone’s holidays and i don’t have plans i’ll take it. Minus a big project i had where i worked 14 days of OT in a month….. i haven’t taken a single one and i love it. I love my time off and spending my time with my wife and kids.

  7. Im 32. I value money now a lot more than I did in my 20s. Life is expensive. Especially if you want to raise a family.

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