How good would you say is your mental health today?

  1. Well, I’m going to therapy in a little over an hour

    So it’s getting better

  2. 8 years ago I had 2 suicide attempts after splitting from my ex wife.

    Today, I have a great gf. A great relationship with my ex wife, she actually wants me to approve of the current guy she’s seeing before they make it official. I work out regularly. I’ve never been better when it comes to my mental health.

    It gets better…..never forget that.

  3. Now a 7/10, went up dramatically when I found out someone was fired due to frequent mistakes. Her not being at work anymore frees up at least two hours a day of my day.

    I can do her job in my spare time now.

  4. Pretty shitty actually. 54, relatively good health (or so I thought). Went to the dentist and they took my BP, it was high.

    Went to my doctor because the BP was so bad, Sue enough, on BP meds and cholesterol meds now. Doc wanted me to see a cardiologist.

    Cardiologist does an EKG, at the end of explaining all the things, he circled back to a sine wave that appeared on the EKG, it’s indicative of having had a heart attack.

    Needless to say, I was pretty freaked out, still am.

    But I have made some pretty drastic life changes and so far I have lost a pretty good amount of weight in six weeks so at least I have that going for me.

  5. Really bad. Can’t even sleep without pills. it’s 2:08 am currently and I’m still awake.

    Wishing for some miracle or Disney magic in my life. Cause I’m tired of hard work with no fruits.

  6. Well, I’m looking at some bullets while the mother of my child is at work trying to fuck a married man, I haven’t had the kinda life saving medication I need since Nov cause it’s too expensive, I’m stuck at a shit ass job that lied to me about its pay and I’m in debt

  7. Most days about a 8/10, for that I feel very fortunate, and grateful of the hard work I’ve put in to make it so. Today? 4/10, feel like dog shit.
    Still though, these days remind me to be thankful for the good ones.

  8. Stable.

    Considering where I was 5 years ago. Leaving my toxic ex-wife, working on myself, getting the therapy and medicine I needed, and overcoming the daily suicidal ideation. I’m good.

    I’m stronger, wealthier, and healthier than I’ve ever been.

  9. Hasn’t been really good, hoping I’m getting better but constantly fearful of a breakdown.

  10. I had a massive panic attack before I went to work today…….. I’m surprised that I managed to fight through the day because of it

  11. Absolutely terrible. I’ve been beating myself up for losing a girl I actually loved. I got broken up with for being emotionally abusive. After I took accountability and started therapy to change how I viewed myself and my actions due to past trauma and my own choices. It was too late.

  12. Not great, but if we don’t have bad days, we’ll never get to have good ones

  13. I have a house to clean up, a mountain of final edits to do on my book, and meals to plan. Despite all of that I’m optimistic I can get most of it done… so… pretty good I think.

  14. 8/10

    Used to be depressed and suicidal from age 16 till 22, but talking about it and working to improve really paid off. I’m happy nowadays.

  15. Pretty good. 8/10. If anyone needs cheering up, hit my DM’s. I’ve got a solidly full cup!

  16. Awesome mental health after a quarter century of personal work. My advice: invest in yourself ( therapy, deep spiritual work, etc.) An unexamined life is not worth living… Truth.

  17. Gets worse every single god damn day . Most days I just want to kill myself but I have kids so I can’t

  18. Honestly, pretty damn good.

    I’m 6+ months sober, eating well, taking good care of myself, going back to school this fall, I have a decent amount of money saved, I feel positive and generally chipper, sleep well, and am day by day getting over my past and looking forward to my future! Philosophy (mostly Stoicism) has helped me so much in putting my negative emotions into perspective and given me daily reminders on how to handle life’s difficulties.

    It’d be nice to have more friends/a relationship but I figure I can take care of that while I’m in school. I’m still relatively young (28 tomorrow), so I hope I won’t come across as the “old guy” in class.

  19. Barely hanging in the midst of a depressive/anxiety episode. Fighting like hell by training in the gym, cardio most days and staying as busy as I can manage. Avoiding alcohol and eating well. When I stop moving my brain is trying to kill me, but the fucker won’t win.

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