Hi all,

My (26m) husband and I (25f) are expecting a baby girl in September. I’m currently 30 weeks pregnant. I’ve had complications including preterm labor up to this point. Not only that but now that I’m in my third trimester, I’m all bloated and swollen and feel exhausted 24/7. It’s not uncommon for me to have to take 2 naps per day and be in bed at night by 730pm. Suffice to say that this has impacted our sex life. The last time we had sex was two weeks ago. My husband says he still sees me as sexy and wants to be intimate when I feel ready. Well I was dead tired and insecure about my body today but despite feeling like shit tried to initiate sex, only for him to reject me and say “sorry I’m not used to being intimate nowadays”. Cue an insane amount of guilt and body image insecurity. I told him if he ever wants sex he will need to initiate, because that completely killed my self confidence and I’m doing my best for him.

Why is he acting weird now? What can I do to make him happy? If I initiate sex, he acts all weird and makes me feel guilty, but if I don’t want sex I also feel guilty.

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