Asking fellow men about women.
We have been best friends for years and I’ve never really known what do do for her on her period, I want to help her when she is in pain and I don’t know what to do. So what are some things I should do for her and what are things I shouldn’t do? We text alot so is there anything I can say or shouldn’t say to make her day just a little bit better. Thanks for the help and any advice that you have.

  1. Distract, don’t demand answers.

    And especially don’t pester and remind her about it.

    If you feel a need to ask how she’s feeling, ask once and accept the answer.
    You can offer to get some painkillers, chocolate or a hot water bottle. But other than being there, can’t do a lot.

  2. For a female friend? Nothing. It’s just like any other day. If she asks for help, sure help out. But there’s no need to do anything extra without her asking beforehand.

  3. Differs from women to women I believe,

    What is wanted by one is hated by another.

  4. I wouldn’t do anything. There’s no reason for you to do anything special. Just leave her be!

  5. Have you asked her? Because knowing what she wants and what kinds of things she appreciates would tend to help.

    Are you particularly sexually or physically intimate?

    Do you know what menstrual products she uses and have some on hand? Chocolate? Caffeine and painkillers?

  6. Just say “SUCKS” when she complains about it, and otherwise continue life as normal.

  7. WTF? Nothing. Why do you want to get involved in friend’s menstruation? That’s creepy.

  8. You need to ask her what she needs or wants the most during that time

    I’d get her her favourite food or something like that

  9. Not bring up her menstrual cycle and be all weird like this, that’s the best thing to do

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