Dear men, what was the best date you ever had?

  1. For her birthday, my girlfriend wanted to roleplay our “first date”. Met at a lovely wine bar. Totally immersed ourselves in it. Hugged and introduced ourselves. Got to know each other over wine and charcuterie. Flirted and tried to impress each other. Then invited her back to my place with a “first” kiss in the parking lot. It was so much fun.

  2. I spent $17.82 that included dinner, a movie and coffee at St. Arbucks.

    I’d gone through a pretty nasty breakup with my first gf a few months earlier. This new girl was my first date since the breakup. I wanted to know that I still had it.

    And for $17.82, I discovered that I totally still had it. We chatted a lot, laughed a lot, bs’ed with each other over coffee and then I had a pretty decent kiss good night.

    I never even asked her out. It was more like I told her out. I told her to write down her address and then said I’d pick her up on Saturday at whatever time it was. She smiled and said she couldn’t wait.

    Things didn’t work out between us. For a lot of reasons. But I think I’ll always have fond memories of our first date.

  3. Impromptu Valentine’s date with a girl I met days before. She showed up on molly but I didn’t put two and two together until halfway through the evening. The poem she wrote in the bathroom while we waited for our food was beautiful lads. When we got back to her car (she insisted on driving) she, without saying a word, pulled out a jar of coconut oil and grabbed my hands and had me rubbing it all over her. She nearly drove into traffic on the way to our next spot. Somehow she could still do a perfect handstand.. in a dress.. with no panties on. We also hugged a tree for like 3 minutes straight so that was fun.

  4. This was 16 years ago. On paper the date was trash.

    We met at a crowded “town center” mall and ate at what was supposed to be a semi-upscale Chinese restaurant. They sat us near the bar, where we contended with lots of foot traffic, a loud TV showing a sports game neither of use we’re interested in, and loud people around us.

    They made her food wrong, and it was oddly soupy. She peppered me with anecdotes about her friend group, and I could only follow about a third of what she was saying.

    At the end of the date I walked her to where she had parked in the parking garage. She had a giant 1940s record player/radio entertainment system in her back seat that she was taking home. No, I couldn’t follow her and help her unload it.

    She offered a handshake as I moved in for a goodbye hug.

    After she left I said to myself “yep, she’s the one.”

    The record player is in our living room now. We’ve been married for 15 years. It wasn’t the date that mattered, it was her. She was magic, and I knew we’d have lots of chances for better dates.

  5. We walked. That was it.

    We got some big bottles of water and Gatorade and a bag of jerky and just started wandering around with no particular aim. Walked and talked and generally just *vibed.*

  6. Been 17 years and still with her. Coffee or hot dogs, maybe both. Walked around the city, played on swings in a park. Walked and told jokes. Sat under the moonlight on a pier with our bare feet dangling over the edge. That was the first kiss and it was perfect.

  7. Can I point out that all the comments are low key dates? Ladies have comments on this?

  8. Goddammit, I had never thought about that but the truth is I only ever had one really good date (with regards to my current criteria). 19 years ago, with my first girlfriend. We knew each other well then because we’d been chatting on MSN for a long time and calling a bit on the phone (mutual friends had introduced us but we had never met in person; she lived far away) and her school was having a cultural trip to my city. So I joined their group when they were walking from a museum afternoon to a theatre evening. She was as beautiful as her voice had made me imagine, with a confidence that didn’t cross the arrogance line. We had this long walk together, a short distance behind the group, and I’m pretty sure we had our first kiss before she entered the theatre. We totally clicked.

    Since then I think all my dates have always been at least a bit awkward or lacked the “magical” thing. My two other partners were quite serious people. 😆

  9. June 1, 1984, 6 months legally separated. Saw an ad for singles house parties in NYC and had gone to a few. The host C was eccentric and dressed like a hippie flower girl, but considered herself a matcher and made sure to have a good balance of people. She became a friend. I was at this point feeling ok about being separated. At each party I would have long conversations with a few girls but had not found anyone to date. The apartment belonged to M, it had 3 floors and a balcony. We all knew she was dating a bodybuilder, but he didn’t come to the parties.

    On this night there was no one I wanted to talk to, so I hung with M and some other regulars who had become friends. Still talking to M on the balcony. It’s 5 am and the sun is coming up and everyone has left except C, we can hear her cleaning up downstairs. M and I have been flirting all night and we kiss and start making out on the balcony.. M stops me, takes my hand and we walk 20 feet to the bed. She strips, so I strip and in mere seconds we’re f**king.

    I don’t know if it was a pity f**k, but I really needed it, physically and emotionally. An extra turn on because C is downstairs and can hear us f**king.

    Eight months later I met my second wife at one of the parties. 15 months later M and Ç and some of the regulars came to our wedding. Married 36 years, but it wouldn’t have happened without C and M.

    Without all those people, my divorce could have wrecked me. A magical time in my life. Thank you guys and gals wherever you are.

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