TD;LR – The guy i met on Tinder has attempted to see me but always stayed silent on the day we arranged to meet. The pics he used on Tinder are the old ones. He usually talks down to his appearance and i can see that he’s gained some weight from the pics on Tinder (however, that doesn’t put me off at all, but maybe lower his self-esteem?).
– The first time was about a year ago and i got really mad at him. I didn’t talk to him for 2-3 months and then he apologised to me. So, i gave him another chance, but he still did the same. So, i stopped talking to him for several months. (Please note that i was always seeing other guys as well, not only waiting for him).
– Then, he came back to talk to me again and i decided to keep him only as an online friend. A few months later i needed to move to another city immediately for a job. He called me several times and asked to see me before i moved out. So i arranged the date & time at the cafe i usually went (i mean, if he didn’t come, i didn’t waste any time since i came to that cafe every week). Guess what, he didn’t show up and didn’t reply to my text.
– Since then i’ve never expected to see him, but a few days ago he begged me to go back to see him once i’m off work. I knew he would stay silent again but i want to test him so i just said Sunday ok? He said yes and he’s not yet replied to my text since then.
– The things that make me feel weird are that 1) He’s usually been reluctant to send me a selfie. When he sent, he always said that ‘i look like sh*t’. 2) We talk on Snapchat but i can find his FB. So, i know that his Tinder pics are 3-4 years ago which are different from him right now. He’s gained some weight (but that doesn’t put me off).
– I’ve been not interested in this guy for a long time but i just wonder about his behaviours. Thoughts on this?

1 comment
  1. So he’s stood you up multiple times? Wtf, why are you ever talking to him let alone giving him chance after chance? Does he give any explanation for this shitty weird pattern? Block him and move on.

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