For example, girl asks did you go to dance class, guy says “I’m prioritizing dance class less because I want to spend those nights picking up some extra client work and studying technical skills. Still going about weekly.”

Is that unattractive to sound like you’re abandoning a hobby?

1 comment
  1. I would say it depends on the woman. If she’s more into doing fun things and making the most of life, then she may prefer her partner not be bogged down by working and chasing money at the expense of fun.

    But if she’s looking for more stability, this may show dedication to a secure life and financial responsibility.

    I think the more important thing is to focus on a good work/life balance. Even if it’s for financial security, working too much and neglecting time you could spend with a SO can be damaging no matter what.

    I would say the better idea would be to say you’re working hard, picking up extra work in order to save for the future, but that you don’t want it to stop you from doing things you love or spending time with people important to you.

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