Edit: Pls note that 1.) I’m referring to some women and 2.) every man has different experiences but this post is meant to be a safe and fair place to open up about those experiences to shed light on what people may be doing wrong in their view of others. If you’re a woman, feel free to flip the question. And ofc, pls be respectful to those commenting

  1. They seem to think that even if they don’t like other men, that men like other men.

  2. There seems to be this idea that men are walking around alone in the middle of the night totally unconcerned for their safety. To be a man is to feel safe at all times in all places.

  3. That we aren’t scared or worried to walk the street alone at night is a big one… complete BS. Even as a fully grown man, I don’t feel safe walking around alone at night. I need to be with someone to feel safe.

    Or that life is super easy and is filled with sunshine, rainbows and a field full of daises


    Also a Feminist lesbian (IM NOT ANTI FEMINIST BTW. Before anyone calls me it) called Norah Vincent did a social experiment once we she disguised herself as a man to try and prove how easy men have it. Made a book called The Self-Made Man. She came out of it finding out it isn’t as easy as she thought it was and came out feeling sorry for men in some certain areas of life. She unfortunately ended her life not long ago. RIP Norah 😔

    “Vincent wrote that the only time she has ever been considered excessively feminine was during her stint as a man. Her alter ego, Ned, was assumed to be gay on several occasions. Features which had been perceived as butch when she presented as a woman were perceived as oddly effeminate when she presented as a man. Vincent asserted that, since the experiment, she had more fully realized the benefits of being female and the disadvantages of being male, stating, “I really like being a woman. … I like it more now because I think it’s more of a privilege.”

    Vincent also stated that she had gained more sympathy and understanding for men and the male condition: “Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don’t have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.””

    Life is hard as both sexes. Both have their unfortunately life challenges but as the saying goes. “The grass isn’t always greener”. This applies to the men who think women have it easier to. It ISN’T a contest. Its just ignorance

  4. That men aren’t expected to prove ourselves because people will just listen to us. In fact we constantly feel we have to prove ourselves which is why some guys will just bullshit about a topic when they don’t actually know anything about it. We’re taught from a young age how to instill confidence in our words or people will doubt us.

  5. That there is something like Male Privilege.
    Everything a man has, comes from his own work. You get handed nothing and if you turn a blind eye, you get stolen from even.
    Want a job? There is no quota to be fullfilled, either you got the qualifications or you’re out.
    Want that high position? You have to ellbow all your colleagues, work extra hard, impress your boss and be valuable enough that quitting your job would be the bigger evil then giving you this promotion.
    Want Friends? Nobody likes you just because you look nice or comes up to you to get your name or number. You better be doing something where others want to be a part off, be nice and handsome enough so they wanna stick around and do more with you.
    Are you hurt? Nobody gives a damn. Except for your Mother maybe, that’s also why there will never be a more important woman in a mans life then hir mother. Suck it up, swallow, hide the pain, get up and keep going.
    Want a Family? You better chase those woman, play all their games, leave good enough of an impression that they consider settling with you and you alone. And if you vetted her wrong or she finds someone better, she goes, takes half your stuff, the kids and the dog and you start from zero again.
    No safety nets, no organizations, no month for you. You are what you make, and nothing else. No Privilege to be found.

  6. The process to meet and find a possible partner are drastically different. Women think it’s just like it is for them, with both good sides and bad sides.

  7. Women seem to think that men are just born knowing how to fix stuff and build things. And if we’re not born with the skills, we’re all taught them by our fathers. No, if we can do this stuff it’s probably because we took the time to learn and try shit.

  8. Women think we’re all 8 foot tall with 9 inch dicks.

    They think that the average guy can helicopter.

    Also – The walking alone at night thing pisses me off.

    As if 01. Most men are murderers.


    O2. Who actually WANTS to go out at like 9 or 10pm and just randomly walk around? No-one does that.

  9. That we were born knowing how to fix cars, plumbing, electrical, framing, landscaping, pool maintenance, the list goes on. I am fortunate to be mechanically inclined but it still takes time and work to figure stuff out and get it done without killing myself. I have heard too many comments over the years from women just slamming guys who don’t know how to fix or build things.

  10. I think a lot of the misconceptions women have about men is due to the Apex Fallacy. They often see the men at the top, the rich CEOs, politicians, doctors, lawyers, etc. and then they will use them as examples of male privilege. When in reality, those men have very little in common with the average man. Note that men often do the same thing in reverse with women.

  11. That we instantly gain all these friends and other bonuses when joining male dominated communities like nerdy ones. Like they are all “men only” clubs. When in reality it’s pretty much far from the truth. So many other guys just feel the need to have one sided pissing contests with other guys all the time.

    From the posts I have seen all over Reddit, so many women seem to think that we don’t have the same level of emotions, wants, needs, etc as they do. They also think that we are the only ones who need to adhere to a higher standard with so much more than they do.

  12. They think it is easy being a guy but men are treated rather poorly. The patriarchy didn’t help lift men, it only helped those with power which happened to be a small minority of men who were rich.

  13. Men get success simply because they’re men.

    Being a man requires neverending work to earn, then keep, everything you have.

  14. as a trans man here are things that surprised me:

    – testosterone makes it legitimately more difficult to not look at butts.
    – men are way more openly misogynistic than you’d think when only men are in the room
    – men’s public restrooms are cleaner than women’s but smell worse
    – if you’re polite and younger than 40 many people will assume you’re gay.

  15. So many women complain and have a fear that he’ll leave her when she’s old. The way they talk about it sounds she believes it’s because she gets wrinkly, gray, chubby and he doesn’t like the looks anymore.

    But the reality is those men are leaving those women because she nags, she’s a financial vampire, she stopped being sexual with him. It’s all behavioral based, not really looks based.

  16. That we all just have massive sexual options and are just out here screwing every woman with a pulse. A lot of us have self control but get boxed in with the dudes who are absolute creeps with no self-respect.

  17. Many “toxic male stereotypes” are reinforced by women. I’ve been told to “man up” “grow a pair,” and “stop whining like a b**ch” many more times by women than by any man in my life.

  18. That we only want or think about sex.

    That we have it easy. Actually, it’s so common to be treated like dog shit or spoken so passively about because I’m a man. “Oh men, you guys are so…” “Yeah, men tend to..” If I said that, I’d be fired, I’d also have no case with the women of HR.

  19. I don’t think a lot of women understand how hard it is for men to get a date. I mean I do pretty well now, but it took me till 30 to figure it out. And if I’m not prioritizing it, I’ll go months without a date.

    But then when I’m dating women they’ll insinuate that I’ve got a “roster”…ma’am I haven’t held a hand in 6 months before you. What the fuck are you talking about??

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