(M-26) It seems I can only get hard (consistently) while watching pornography/masterbating, while it’s a crap shoot during actual sex with a real person.

Is pornography to blame? Would refraining from porn and/or masterbation help?

Part of it is probably my performance anxiety, as well as poor self image and diagnosed major depressive disorder. I don’t know. Watching porn/masterbating is enjoyable, while the thought of sex with someone is often anxiety-inducing and i tend to avoid it. Yet having a fulfilling sexual relationship with someone is something I want.

1 comment
  1. Well it’s a combo of things: anxiety and self confidence/image are incredibly important to maintaining an erection.

    Another thing is that you’ve likely subconsciously changed your definition of what sex is based on pornography. You don’t have to quit cold turkey but it would be beneficial to look for porn that isn’t all about the image or rough as it is normally.

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